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2020 has been an unusu­al year, to say the least, the events of this year so far mean we may not be able to go out as much as we would like too, so how do we beat boredom?

Accord­ing to gam­ing pro­viders, activ­ity has increased by 28% from 2019 and appears to be head­ing to 30% in early 2021. These fig­ures relate to the pur­chase of online games, but there has also been a massive spike in online cre­ativ­ity and mak­ing money as well as cam­paigns from new casi­nos.

Read on to take a look at some of the best online activ­it­ies to beat bore­dom now and in the future.

Record Music Online

You­Tube and oth­er online chan­nels have been mak­ing music stars of every­day folk since 2005. A recent suc­cess story is  Abel Makkon­en Tes­faye or bet­ter known as The Weeknd, Tes­faye is known for his hits, ‘Remind­er’, ‘Star­boy’, and ‘Blind­ing Lights’.

After releas­ing a nine-track mix­tape from his bed­room in 2011, Tes­faye landed his first-ever record deal, sign­ing with Repub­lic Records in 2012, prov­ing how vital online self-pro­mo­tion via social media is to make it big.

A rap­per named Dave — before becom­ing a house­hold name, rap­per Dave star­ted his career by releas­ing music on music­al plat­forms includ­ing You­Tube. The sing­er got his big break when he per­formed on SB.TV in 2015. SB.TV or Smokey­Barz is a media plat­form that has its roots in urb­an music.

Dave, real name Dav­id Orobosa Omore­gie has taken the world by storm, releas­ing hits like ‘Streath­am’, ‘Loc­a­tion’ and ‘No Words’. Dave also uses his pop­ular­ity to com­ment on polit­ic­al mat­ters and social issues, mak­ing him tal­en­ted and influential.

Not inter­ested in mak­ing music? What about online trading?

Online Trad­ing

What is Online Trad­ing? Essen­tially online trad­ing is buy­ing and selling fin­an­cial secur­ity orders or stock through a broker. Once you have opened an account with a broker, you can access inter­na­tion­al mar­kets, includ­ing cur­rency pairs, com­mod­it­ies, equit­ies and indices.

Become a trader and profit from tem­por­ary fluc­tu­ations in the mar­ket value of fin­an­cial assets such as stocks, CFDs (con­tract of dif­fer­ence) and forex pairs. Sounds easy but let’s break this down to the bare bones.

Equit­ies are shares in the com­pany, and when a com­pany offers equit­ies, it means it’s selling par­tial own­er­ship of that com­pany. Cur­rency pairs are two cur­ren­cies with dif­fer­ent exchange rates, for example, the US dol­lar and UK Ster­ling, used for trad­ing in the for­eign exchange mar­ket, also known as the FX market.

Then there are com­mod­it­ies; these are raw mater­i­als or agri­cul­tur­al products that can be bought and sold, such as pre­cious metals or food products such as rice. You can deal in Indices, and these are stock and bond mar­ket indices con­sist­ing of a hypo­thet­ic­al port­fo­lio of secur­it­ies rep­res­ent­ing a par­tic­u­lar mar­ket or seg­ment. Indices are more spe­cial­ist and not for the faint-hearted.

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CDFs or con­tracts for dif­fer­ences, mean­ing an agree­ment that pays the dif­fer­ences in the agreed price between the open and clos­ing of trad­ing; the way to make money is to determ­ine which dir­ec­tion the stock is going and buy and sell accordingly.

Lastly, Stocks and Forex pairs, Stocks refer to cor­por­ate equit­ies and secur­it­ies and are often partnered with shares. Forex pairs are cur­rency pairs, bought and sold in the Forex market.

If the stock mar­ket is not for you, kill bore­dom with online gaming.

 Online Gam­ing

New games are released all the time, interest in the gam­ing industry has rap­idly increased since 2019. Let’s look at what’s trend­ing right now.

Mine­craft, a sand­box video game, cre­ated by Markus Persson and Mojang was released to the pub­lic in 2011. New gen­er­a­tion Mine­craft has become a smash hit with all age groups. In the game, you’re able to build houses and forts with dif­fer­ent 3D build­ing blocks and explore and par­ti­cip­ate in combat.Don’t fancy Mine­craft? What about Call of Duty — War­zone (Mod­ern Warfare)?

CoD War­zone is not the first battle roy­ale game. Still, it has advant­ages over games like For­nite and PUBG (Player­Un­known’s Battle­grounds) for Call of Duty by merely being the god­fath­er of war games, with a massive exist­ing fan base, and an adult-friendly experience.

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We can’t men­tion online gam­ing without com­ment­ing on Grand Theft Auto V — this action-adven­ture video game was released in its first format by Rock­star Games in 2013 took the gam­ing world by storm.

Any GTA games shouldn’t need an intro­duc­tion; as most people know about this game by now. But for those who don’t, GTA is an action-adven­ture game that allows you to be a crim­in­al, com­mit­ting dan­ger­ous heists and evad­ing gov­ern­ment and police officials.

GTAV is played either from a first or third-per­son per­spect­ive; play­ers have the free­dom to get around on foot or in vehicles.

We hope you have enjoyed the round-up of some of the best online activ­it­ies to beat bore­dom, we may be stuck inside, but we don’t have to have a lack of imagination.


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Rishma Dhaliwal

Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voice­less. Cur­rently work­ing in TV, Rishma brings her PR and media know­ledge to I am Hip Hop and oth­er pro­jects by No Bounds.

About Rishma Dhaliwal

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless. Currently working in TV, Rishma brings her PR and media knowledge to I am Hip Hop and other projects by No Bounds.