Earlii_Red Offers a Plethora of Opportunities for Artists @Earlii_Red

Earlii_Red Pro­mo­tions is a thriv­ing Inde­pend­ent Com­pany based out of New Jer­sey.  Earlii_Red who is the CEO and Founder of ERP is well known in the Com­munit­ies and Enter­tain­ment World as a Hip Hop and Arts Act­iv­ist, Pub­li­cist, Event Plan­ner, Book­ing Agent, A&R Scout, and Host. Earlii_Red is not only a phe­nom­en­al woman but has earned title of suc­cess­ful Entre­pren­eur!

MJ:  First and fore­most let’s take it back, as most often in this busi­ness we are fans first.  You have always been an enthu­si­ast of music, spe­cific­ally Hip Hop and R&B. How did that evolve from being a fan to start­ing a career in Enter­tain­ment?

ER: Firstly, I will always be a fan first every step along the way in my career. It all star­ted from when I was a kid, years ago and always had a spe­cial vis­ion on music and help­ing people. It’s very import­ant to keep that “music­al ear” going so with that said I decided to start my Inde­pend­ent Com­pany, Earlii_RedPromotions. With a mis­sion to get the upcom­ing artists and more advanced artists in get­ting the expos­ure they need via promo, social media, mar­ket­ing, book­ings, etc.…since new tech­no­lo­gies are grow­ing and build­ing every day. I also act as a ment­or to many because some­times as we all know life can be hard and some­times people just need to build and grow with the right people in their life not always on a busi­ness level.  That I believe sep­ar­ates me from most.


MJ: You have and still presently work closely with inde­pend­ent artists as well as major artists and main­stream labels.  Talk about some dif­fer­ences between work­ing with indie and major artists.  Do you notice a dif­fer­ence in atti­tudes, or work eth­ics? What would you say are key ele­ments an indie artist needs in order to cross over to that main­stream lane?

ER: The dif­fer­ence between Inde­pend­ent and Main­stream in my opin­ion all falls on the artists and what goals they might have in their music careers. Atti­tude is very import­ant to me when it comes to busi­ness and in my opin­ion Inde­pend­ent artists have a bet­ter atti­tude or work eth­ic because they look at the out­side world dif­fer­ently and are easi­er to plan and build with. Some­times a Main­stream artist will think since they made it all the work will be done for them and that is not always true. They still will have to keep a great rap­port with the people and listen­ers. If an Inde­pend­ent artist is look­ing to go main­stream my advice to them would be to get the prop­er sup­port and team to have with them every step of the way of their career. Not know­ing the busi­ness side of things always wor­ries me about all artists in gen­er­al because that is key, and they will need to look at it as their own com­pany to see growth. A lot has changed since the older era and more people need to be edu­cated on it more than ever now, in my opin­ion.

MJ: You provide an incred­ible amount of plat­forms for artists to shine, gain recog­ni­tion, and to pro­gress in their careers.  Take a moment to share a little bit about those spe­cif­ic plat­forms.

ER: Yes! I’m all about artists and people that know me will vouch for that because I like to always see every angle of situ­ations but most import­antly what is the best interest of that par­tic­u­lar artist. With that said, I offer shows/concerts, and I power myself or work with my affil­i­ated part­ners to get their hard work out there and noticed by the right people. Wheth­er it’s vari­ous Inde­pend­ent or Main­stream companies/labels like Def Jam, Uni­ver­sal, Sony, and ASCAP to name a few. I also star­ted my own TV Show a few months ago (2017) RedTV on SNYCTV’s Man­hat­tan TV Net­work loc­ated in Midtown Man­hat­tan, NY. I inter­view artists and entre­pren­eurs, and air their music videos or inform­a­tion about their com­pany. I’m all about build­ing, net­work­ing, and mak­ing bet­ter rela­tion­ships with people I work with so we all can achieve suc­cess in this crazy world we live in today. So why not do some­thing you love to do? The time is NOW! If any­one is inter­ested in sub­mit­ting to my show you can email: redtv.nyc@gmail.com for more inform­a­tion.

MJ: It’s no secret that is double time work for a woman in the music and enter­tain­ment industry.  What keeps you motiv­ated to keep going?  What is some advice you can give to oth­er women who are think­ing about fol­low­ing your foot­steps career wise?

ER: My motiv­a­tion every­day changes hon­estly, I set goals for myself daily, weekly, monthly and yearly and that keeps me going because I’m always up for a chal­lenge and like to do new things. Besides hav­ing an Enter­tain­ment back­ground and play­ing sports cur­rently and most of my life, being pro­duct­ive and a “go-get­ter” is very import­ant too if you’re look­ing to accom­plish some­thing. Yes, we all go through tri­al and error or even fail­ures but my advice to all women would be to get back up and face all your chal­lenges because STRONG women are hard to defeat. Women need to empower each oth­er every­day and more in my opin­ion because it always seems we have big­ger bur­dens to fill and we all need to let people know the dif­fer­ence, and where we are com­ing from in our work eth­ics.

MJ: In terms of the plat­forms you provide and the dif­fer­ent hats you wear do you have a favor­ite, such as cyphers, show­cases, spe­cial events, host­ing?

ER: As far as choos­ing a favor­ite task or job I prefer to do it all. I like the many hats I wear and gives me a vari­ety because it nev­er makes it bor­ing or gets old. There is always room for improve­ments. I love to help oth­ers so wherever I’m needed per­tain­ing to an event I’m all for it! But, if I really had to choose work­ing spe­cial events and host­ing would be one of my favor­ite choices because I like to engage people and crowds to have a good time!

MJ: I’m curi­ous, who is in your per­son­al playl­ist? Also who have been top influ­ences in the evolve­ment of Earlii_Red?

ER: Cur­rently on my per­son­al playl­ist would be my favor­ite tracks from my Inde­pend­ent Hip Hop Artist Cashrac which I man­age, 90’s slow jams, and 80’s Free­style music. My top influ­ences would have to be my artist Cashrac for whom I expan­ded on my vis­ion and really star­ted going hard for when I heard his lyr­ic­al con­tent and it was like “love at first sight”!  He is so tal­en­ted and gets his cred­it all over the world in this industry. Lastly, I would like to shout out my busi­ness part­ner Ed from Stu­di­o­NYC and the rest of the SNYCTV fam­ily as we have been build­ing and work­ing hard for years now and they both have ALWAYS had my back. Build­ing a strong team to me is always the key to suc­cess!

MJ: Before we wrap up, tell every­one what is com­ing up this year for ERP. Will ERP be expand­ing?

ER: So far com­ing up this year in 2018, ERP will be involved with many spe­cial events, polit­ic­al events, fest­ivals, dis­tri­bu­tion oppor­tun­it­ies, deals for artists, and of course more show­cases and con­certs. Also, I will be host­ing and bring­ing back out a new and approved seg­ment on RedTV called “Fire Dept” that will fea­ture artists rap free­styles and cyphers. I encour­age people to fol­low me because my sched­ule is always chan­ging and we are always expanding…At the time all dates are TBA.

MJ: Thank you for tak­ing time out, much con­tin­ued suc­cess!

ER: Fol­low @earlii_red on FB, IG & Twit­ter.   Thank you all and most import­antly MJ for this awe­some inter­view! ~ Red

Fol­low MJ @MJsHipHopConnex

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MJ Savino

MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the cul­ture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ Savino
MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!