Dupré Kelly @DoItAll from the Legendary Platinum Hip-Hop Selling Group Lords of the Underground Announces His Candidacy for Newark City Council

Dupré “Doitall” Kelly is now an offi­cial can­did­ate on the bal­lot  for the upcom­ing May 8, 2018 in Newark, NJ after turn­ing in over 2,000 peti­tions.

Through­out his life, Dupré Kelly has always had a pas­sion for the City of Newark and a drive to serve his com­munity. In 1994, May­or of Newark Sharpe James, honored his group with their very own Lords of The Under­ground Day mak­ing Septem­ber 28th an annu­al hol­i­day. Wheth­er through his music, his fra­tern­ity Alpha Phi Alpha, busi­ness endeavors or his not for profit organ­iz­a­tion Dupré serves his com­munity in many capa­cit­ies. He is co-founder of 211 Com­munity Impact a not-for-profit 501c3 com­pany in Newark, NJ. 211 Com­munity Impact helps through its grass­roots pro­grams address­ing lit­er­acy, home­less­ness, men­tal health and well­ness, edu­ca­tion, gun viol­ence and cur­rently runs many youth activ­it­ies. Fur­ther­more, he is Co-CEO of 211 Media Group, a com­pany that spe­cial­izes in all aspects of media, tele­vi­sion and film pro­duc­tion as well as event plan­ning and con­sult­ing. When elec­ted Du-Kelly will make his­tory as the first Plat­in­um selling Hip-Hop artist to hold pub­lic office.


As Coun­cil­man at Large Dupré Kelly wants to address sev­er­al issues:

  • Lack of fund­ing for Youth Pro­gram­ming and Sum­mer Jobs. In order to secure a bet­ter tomor­row for us all, we must make great­er invest­ments in our youth today. This year over 5,000 Newark youth applied to the Mayor’s sum­mer youth pro­gram. Because of fund­ing con­straints the City was only able to roughly employ 2,500 stu­dents. By expand­ing private invest­ment by $2 mil­lion for the Mayor’s Sum­mer Youth Employ­ment Pro­gram we can truly leave no child behind.
  • Ini­ti­ate Great­er Activ­it­ies through Arts & Cul­ture. It is through Dupré Kelly’s extens­ive artist­ic exper­i­ence he believes that the arts drive cre­ativ­ity and cre­ativ­ity spurs jobs cre­ation. The latest data from the Arts and Cul­tur­al Pro­duc­tion Satel­lite Account ( A col­lab­or­a­tion of the Nation­al Endow­ment for the Arts and the U.S. Depart­ment of Commerce’s Bur­eau of Eco­nom­ic Ana­lys­is (BEA))  reveals that the arts and cul­tur­al sec­tor con­trib­uted $729.6 bil­lion or 4.2 per­cent to the U.S. eco­nomy that year. Between 1998 and 2014, the con­tri­bu­tion of arts and cul­ture to the nation’s gross domest­ic product grew by 35.1 per­cent. Loc­ally, in 2016 Newark’s Arts and Cul­ture Industry gen­er­ated $178.3 mil­lion annu­ally, provid­ing res­id­ents income of $133.7M and sup­port­ing 4,963 jobs.
  • Lack of Civic Engage­ment (Neigh­bor­hood Inclu­sion).  We must begin to move the wards out of their indi­vidu­al cul­tur­al silos. Encour­age a new philo­sophy on the City Coun­cil to move away with pro­tec­tion­ist atti­tudes and work togeth­er to serve the interest of the entire city. Doitall will work with stake­hold­ers to make sure the neigh­bor­hoods are included in our cur­rent eco­nom­ic renais­sance. Doitall will cre­ate a massive ward by ward ini­ti­at­ive encour­aging our seni­ors to volun­teer in ment­or­ing and assist­ing our youth through our city pro­grams.

Dupré Kelly intends to move bey­ond cam­paign lines to move the city for­ward through arts & cul­ture. Newark needs new energy on the City Coun­cil.  For media please con­tact Cor­delia Donovan at iam@cordeliadonovaninc.com or call (646)678‑6048 and for cam­paign inquir­ies please con­tact cam­paign man­ager Monico Cruz at monicodoitallfornewark@gmail.com or call (973)536‑3729.  



Face­book Cam­paign Page

Star-Ledger Hip Hop Artist Dupré Doitall Kelly to Run for Newark City Council

Pix 11 News: Hip-Hop Artist Runs for City Council



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MJ Savino

MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the cul­ture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ Savino
MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!