Cana­dian nat­ive and Grammy-nom­in­ated artist Tory Lanez has announced a three date UK tour set to take place this Decem­ber 2021.

The star – fam­ous for his explos­ive live shows and chart-top­ping hits which includes ‘What’s Pop­pin’, ‘Broke In a Minute’ and ‘Say It’ will head to Lon­don’s O2 Academy Brix­ton on 6th Decem­ber, For­um Birm­ing­ham on 7th Decem­ber and Manchester­’s O2 Vic­tor­ia Ware­house on 8th December.

On the day of the launch of Lanez’s latest album ‘When its Dark’ this sum­mer, the rap­per pos­ted a video to Twit­ter say­ing that the album sold one mil­lion cop­ies in under a minute and that one of his NFTs had already been flipped for $50,000.

All 1 mil­lion avail­able cop­ies of the album sold out in 60 seconds, the first artist in his­tory to reach this amaz­ing mile­stone. After bank­ing in mil­lions on his NFT related ven­tures, Lanez donated $50,000 to help dozens of Cali­for­nia fam­il­ies post bail for their loved ones.

Lanez is the defin­i­tion of a triple threat. A rap­per, sing­er and pro­du­cer, Lanez ori­gin­ally stepped onto the music scene with the release of fan-favour­ite mix­tapes such as Sin­cerely Tory, Lost Cause and Cruel Intentions.

After sign­ing to Inter­scope Records in 2015, his debut album, ‘I Told You’ peaked at #4 on the Bill­board 200 Chart and fea­tured the cer­ti­fied double-plat­in­um single “Luv” and 3x plat­in­um “Say It.”

In recent times — after com­plet­ing label oblig­a­tions and part­ing ways with Inter­scope — Tory con­tin­ued his grind into 2020 releas­ing three more pro­jects, The New Toronto 3, DAY­STAR, and Loner. In 2021 he jumped back to his R&B roots, drop­ping the album PLAY­BOY. Sum­mer of 2021 he returned with chart-top­ping, #1 You­tube ranked vir­al single “SKAT” fea­tur­ing Dababy, “GRAH TAH TAH” fea­tur­ing Kodak Black and an uptempo pro­ject ‘We Outside’.

An entre­pren­eur, phil­an­throp­ist and busi­ness­man as well, Tory con­tin­ues to dive into dif­fer­ent aren­as with a suc­cess­ful ice cream shop in Flor­ida, Notori­ous Cream­ery as well as a Can­nabis brand, Delta 8, and an Alkaline water brand, Umbrella Water. With count­less plat­in­um singles on his CV, Tory Lanez con­tin­ues to be an artist that breaks the mould and leaves fans want­ing more.

Speak­ing ahead of his eagerly anti­cip­ated UK tour in Decem­ber, the Cana­dian star, said:

“I can­’t wait for my next UK tour. I love com­ing to the UK to do my thing and we’ve got three major UK shows lined up for you.

“It’s been a bad two years for live music and we’re so happy to be able to end the year on a high. These shows are not to be missed. Bring it UK!”

“These tick­ets are gonna sell fast. So get in quick people and I’ll see you in Eng­land for an early Christ­mas present this December.”


With a slew of addi­tion­al mix­tape pro­jects fol­low­ing his debut 2015 album, includ­ing ‘Chix­tape’ and The New Toronto series as well as his sopho­more album ‘Memor­ies Don’t Die’ (which peaked at #3 on the Bill­board 200 chart), Lanez has con­tin­ued to cre­ate hit after hit.

His third album LoVE mE NOw, released in Octo­ber 2018, took over the Bill­board Rap Chart to become the #1 album in the coun­try. 2019 brought even more suc­cess as Lanez toured the UK with Drake for the Assas­sin­a­tion Vaca­tion Tour and joined forces with Chris Brown for the Indi­GOAT Tour to wrap up the summer.

Nev­er one to be labelled or con­fined to a box, Lanez will be show­cas­ing his ver­sat­il­ity with a Lat­in pro­ject titled El Agua.

To close out 2019, Lanez also released his highly anti­cip­ated album Chix­tape 5, which put his artist­ic twist on some of the biggest hits of the 00’s and fea­tured a few of the most icon­ic artists of that time peri­od includ­ing “Jerry Sprunger,” a sample of T‑Pain’s (who is also fea­tured on Lanez’ ver­sion) hit record “I’m Sprung”.

Tick­ets for Tory Lanez’s forth­com­ing Decem­ber tour will go on sale Fri­day 22nd Octo­ber at 9 am. 

Tick­ets will be avail­able via Ticketmaster.

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.