Sunday May 4th – OVO Arena Wembley

Tick­ets: Pre-sale 10am Wed­nes­day 18th Decem­ber, Artist pre-sale 10am Thursday 19th Decem­ber &  Gen­er­al Sale 10am Fri­day 20th December

TCO and Black Pro­moters Col­lect­ive proudly announced today The Mil­leni­um Tour 2025 will be com­ing to the UK this com­ing Spring, with a heavy­weight lineup of super­stars includ­ing Trey Songz, Omari­on and Bow Wow head­lining along­side Jeremih, Lloyd and Sam­mie, all per­form­ing live on Sunday May 4th at OVO Arena Wembley.

Tick­ets go on Pre-sale 10am Wed­nes­day 18th Decem­ber, Artist pre-sale 10am Thursday 19th Decem­ber &  Gen­er­al Sale 10am Fri­day 20th December.

The Mil­leni­um Tour 2025 is an influ­en­tial US tour which broke box office records and was honored with a Bill­board Award for ‘2022 Rap Tour of the Year’, becom­ing a cul­tur­al phe­nomen­on, unit­ing fans across gen­er­a­tions with its blend of nos­tal­gia and high-energy per­form­ances from beloved artists of the 2000s and bey­ond. The Mil­leni­um Tour will start in March and through to April will vis­it 24 cit­ies across the US, before deb­ut­ing in the UK, prom­ising music and memor­ies that defined a gen­er­a­tion with a star-stud­ded lineup.

The Mil­len­ni­um Tour 2025 lineup brings togeth­er some of the most cel­eb­rated names in R&B and Hip Hop, prom­ising a night filled with chart-top­ping hits and unmatched energy. Head­lined by Plat­in­um and gold-selling artists Trey Songz, Omari­on, and Bow Wow, fans can expect elec­tri­fy­ing per­form­ances from acts whose music defined the 2000s and con­tin­ues to res­on­ate today.  Join­ing the stel­lar lineup are Jeremih, Lloyd and Sam­mie, deliv­er­ing smooth vocals and time­less clas­sics. Wheth­er you’re a fan of love bal­lads, club bangers, or gritty rap anthems, “The Mil­len­ni­um Tour 2025” has some­thing for everyone.

Trey Songz has sold over 25 mil­lion records world­wide in singles and albums. Blend­ing con­tem­por­ary R&B vocals with hip-hop flows, the actor/singer/songwriter/producer deb­uted with album ‘Gotta Make It’ (2005) and saw it enter the Bill­board 200 at No.20, while 2nd album, ‘Trey Day’ (2007) peaked at No. 11, with its hit single ‘Can­’t Help but Wait’, which peaked at No. 14. Trey’s 3rd album, ‘Ready’ (2009) reached No.2 and spawned the Top 10 track ‘Say Ahh’ fea­tur­ing Fabol­ous. His 4th album, ‘Pas­sion, Pain & Pleas­ure’ (2010) got to No.2 with the hit single ‘Bot­toms Up’ fea­tur­ing Nicki Minaj which reached No.6.  Sup­por­ted by single ‘Heart Attack’, his 5th album ‘Chapter V’ (2012) was his first to debut at No.1. Then 6th album ‘Trigga’ (2014), became the second to do the same, with its plat­in­um hit single ‘Slow Motion’. He has since released 7th and and 8th albums ‘Tre­maine’ (2017) and ‘Back Home’ (2020). Songz hits include ‘On Call’ fea­tur­ing Ty Dol­lar $ign, the plat­in­um selling ‘Na Na’ and gold cer­ti­fied ‘2 Reas­ons’ fea­tur­ing T.I. Songz lends his soul­ful vocals on fea­tured hits from Twista’s ‘Girl Tonight’ to J. Cole’s ‘Can’t Get Enough’.

Sing­er, dan­cer and act­or Omari­on first came to inter­na­tion­al suc­cess as a mem­ber of much loved R&B boy­band B2K, with hits in the early 2000s with singles ‘Gots Ta Be’, ‘Uk Huh’, ‘Girl­friend’ and the Bill­board No.1 smash ‘Bump, Bump, Bump’ (fea­tur­ing P Diddy). Omari­on went solo in 2004 and signed to Epic Records, with first two stu­dio albums ‘O’ (2005) and ‘21’ (2006) both deb­uted at No. 1 in the Bill­board 200, with the lat­ter spawned the single ‘Ice Box’, which reached No.12 in the Bill­board Hot 100. Omari­on guest appeared on Bow Wow’s 2005 single ‘Let Me Hold You’, which got to No.4, fol­lowed by both artists’ col­lab­or­at­ive album ‘Face Off’ (2007), fol­lowed by Omari­on’s third stu­dio album ‘Ollu­sion’ (2010). He signed with Rick Ross’ May­bach label to release 4th album ‘Sex Playl­ist’ (2014), with single ‘Post To Be’ (fea­tur­ing Chris Brown and Jhené Aiko), which peaked at No.12 and went six times plat­in­um. Omari­on has acted in the movies You Got Served, Fat Albert, Some­body Help Me and The Proud Fam­ily Movie.

Bow Wow, aka Shad Moss, is a rap­per and act­or. He was dis­covered by Snoop Dogg in 1993 at the age of six; five years later, he signed with Jer­maine Dupri’s So So Def Record­ings, an imprint of Columbia Records. As Lil’ Bow Wow, he released his debut stu­dio album ‘Beware Of Dog’ (2000) at age 13, then his 2nd album, ‘Doggy Bag’ (2001) the fol­low­ing year, reach­ing No. 10 and No.11 respect­ively. Bow Wow dropped ‘Lil’ from his stage name and released 3rd album, ‘Unleashed’ (2003) via Columbia Records and it reached No.3. His 4th album, ‘Wanted’ (2005), spawned the singles ‘Let Me Hold You’ (fea­tur­ing Omari­on) and ‘Like You’ (fea­tur­ing Ciara), which peaked at No.4 and No. 3 and remain his highest-chart­ing songs. In 2006, the single, ‘Shortie Like Mine’ (fea­tur­ing Chris Brown and Johntá Aus­tin) and 5th album, ‘The Price Of Fame’ (2006) was released. His 6th album, ‘New Jack City’ (2009), was fol­lowed by ‘Aint Thinkin Bout You’ (fea­tur­ing Chris Brown) and ‘Sweat’ (fea­tur­ing Lil Wayne). He has appeared in movies such as ‘All About The Ben­jamins’, ‘Like Mike’, ‘The Fast and the Furi­ous: Tokyo Drift’, and smash hit series such as ‘Entour­age’ and ‘CSI: Cyber’.

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About Nadiya Shay

Hip-Hop Journalist, full-time reader and dreamer.