NEW MUSIC |MARCEL CARTIER (@Cartier_Marcel)...
Mar­cel Carti­er, the Lon­don-based U.S. hip-hop artist, journ­al­ist and act­iv­ist, has released his ninth...
Marcel Cartier — Mass Murder #Justice4Grenfell
It had to be said. It had to be done. The cata­stroph­ic and poten­tially massive loss
Guest: Marcel Cartier (@CartierMarcel) — I Am...
I Am Hip-Hop radio show amp­li­fy­ing your world, sound and knowledge. Listen live every Thursday 11pm
Hands Off Syria Pt3 By Marcel Cartier...
[youtube][/youtube] The bal­ance of forces in the world today the west claims they...
Inside the Mind of Rapper and Activist Marcel...
Q. First off thank you for the chance to inter­view. If pos­sible could you give us
VIDEO: MARCEL CARTIER (@marcelcartier) FT AGENT...
Check out the latest track from Mar­cel Carti­er ft Agent Of Change ‘White Like Me’ accom­pan­ied
Video+Lyrics: Bully Me No More By @MarcelCartier
[youtube][/youtube] New Mar­cel Carti­er song taken from the upcom­ing...