Poetry Inspiration: The Tradition By Assata
THE TRA­DI­TION Carry it on now. Carry it on. Carry it on now. Carry it on. Carry on the...
The FBI has announced that Joanne Ches­i­mard, best known as Assata Shak­ur, aka JoAnne Ches­i­mard (Tupac
Freedom Rider: Support Assata Shakur, At Your...
by BAR (Black Agenda Report) edit­or and seni­or colum­nist Mar­garet Kimberley Thanks to The First Black
Video: Angela Davis on Assata Shakur
One day after the exiled former Black Pan­ther Assata Shak­ur became the first woman named to
Review & Quotes: Assata: An Autobiography...
Assata Shakur’s auto­bi­o­graphy – first pub­lished in 1988 and newly repub­lished this year by Zed Books
Knowledge Session: Execution of Tupac
José Gab­ri­el Túpac Amaru (March 19, 1742 – May 18, 1781) — known as Túpac Amaru II hence...
Assata Shakur Talking From Exile About Cuba and...
“We had to learn that we’re beau­ti­ful. We had to relearn some­thing force­fully taken from us.