Video + Lyrics: System Reboot by @DISL_Automatic, Sinthesis & Aspirit

Sys­tem Reboot
This is a Sys­tem Reboot! Con­trol Alt Delete
We are tak­ing back the plan­et from the hands of the élite
We cut through the pro­pa­ganda, we unveil the deceit
We debunk false inform­a­tion, we expose dirty schemes
We attack like anti­vir­us to erad­ic­ate the greed
Nev­er waiver from our mis­sion to awaken all our people
We mul­tiply by mil­lions yelling out what we believe in
Truth, Know­ledge, Liberty. Equal­ity and Freedom!

Some­thing is missin’ inside the sys­tem that we live in
How we’re pro­grammed to believe that our life’s only mis­sion is
go to school, get a job, raise some kids, buy a house
fancy cars, shop at malls, put it all on cred­it cards
They pro­mote con­sumer­ism with their ads on television
tel­lin’ us what we should buy and how it is we should be livin’
All the things we should be get­tin’ to be a good citizen
it seems the only thing we need to do is pay their dividends
And they’ll say we’re mal­ad­jus­ted ’cause we don’t fit in their structure
But their struc­ture’s only func­tion is to hold us under
Keep the truth under­cov­er, make you want more than another
When they breed mater­i­al­ism they pin us against our brothers
The basis of their sys­tem is to keep the people locked
inside a cycle of addic­tion try­in’ to make it to the top
of the pyr­am­id con­struc­ted by the glob­al élite
It’s time we reboot the system
Con­trol Alt Delete!

This is a Sys­tem Reboot! Con­trol Alt Delete
We are tak­ing back the plan­et from the hands of the élite
We cut through the pro­pa­ganda, we unveil the deceit
We debunk false inform­a­tion, we expose dirty schemes
We attack like anti­vir­us to erad­ic­ate the greed
Nev­er waiver from our mis­sion to awaken all our people
We mul­tiply by mil­lions yelling out what we believe in
Truth, Know­ledge, Liberty. Equal­ity and Freedom!

This sys­tem is cor­rup­ted shut­ting it down is our cause
Implor­ing with the pub­lic to pull the plug from the power source
But us fools are stuck to the coward’s course
caught in a storm of cloudy thoughts bound to conform
and cower to lousy laws It’s how we’re taught
spend­ing cred­it yet we can’t afford to house the poor
with astound­ing amounts found in accounts for war
And if you’re on my level I’m sure you’ve found the flaws/floors
Or saw the towers fall when N.W.O. was proudly born
But if bow­ing down is now the norm
then I sug­gest we ques­tion the agenda’s of all author­it­ies now in force
If cor­por­a­tions fought for nature like a flower’s thorns
Instead of dom­in­a­tion and profit con­quer­ing nations with bombings
Spon­sor­ing hate is an hon­est way to escape from the know­ledge that
slavery is upon us but the power’s yours!
We need you to listen, don’t sleep through the vision
As the beat booms, we speak truth
to reboot the system!

This is a Sys­tem Reboot! Con­trol Alt Delete
We are tak­ing back the plan­et from the hands of the élite
We cut through the pro­pa­ganda, we unveil the deceit
We debunk false inform­a­tion, we expose dirty schemes
We attack like anti­vir­us to erad­ic­ate the greed
Nev­er waiver from our mis­sion to awaken all our people
We mul­tiply by mil­lions yelling out what we believe in
Truth, Know­ledge, Liberty. Equal­ity and Freedom!

We are trapped inside a system
that relies on the division
of the masses so they caste us into classes that we live in
we judge each oth­er based on social status’ we’re given
no one cares about char­ac­ter, all that mat­ters is your income
cor­por­at­ism is designed to blind the human vision
so con­sumer­ism has become the people’s new religion
t.v. pro­gram­ming ’em so they can­’t see through the fiction
when you try to speak the truth they view it as a superstition
pat­ri­archy’s dom­in­ated us from the beginnin’
of soci­ety, it’s time that we empower our women
united we’re win­ning hit ’em with know­ledge that we’re spittin’
I ain’t quit­tin’, if I die I’ll be a mar­tyr not a victim
com­pan­ies profit by lock­ing people up in prison
our gov­ern­ment is under the elit­ist supervision
we speak truth so listen
to this deep rooted wisdom
we will fight for our free­dom ’til we reboot the system!

This is a Sys­tem Reboot! Con­trol Alt Delete
We are tak­ing back the plan­et from the hands of the élite
We cut through the pro­pa­ganda, we unveil the deceit
We debunk false inform­a­tion, we expose dirty schemes
We attack like anti­vir­us to erad­ic­ate the greed
Nev­er waiver from our mis­sion to awaken all our people
We mul­tiply by mil­lions yelling out what we believe in
Truth, Know­ledge, Liberty. Equal­ity and Freedom!
More inform­a­tion:

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.

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