Set to be one of the most highly anti­cip­ated tours of 2020, Stormzy has today announced a huge 55-date ‘H.I.T.H. World Tour’. With shows span­ning across EuropeAsia, Aus­tralia, New Zea­l­and, North Amer­ica, UK & Ire­land and Africa, the tour marks Stormzy’s biggest live offer­ing to date. Kick­ing off the tour in Dubai on Feb­ru­ary 7th and con­clud­ing in Africa in Octo­ber, the tour will also see him make his solo debut at London’s O2 Arena for two nights on 3rd & 4th of Septem­ber, mark­ing his first solo shows in the cap­it­al since his 3‑day stint at Brix­ton Academy in May 2017! Sub­sequent to London’s O2 Arena, Stormzy will grace the stages of 11 more aren­as through­out the UK and Ire­land, con­clud­ing at Bournemouth’s inter­na­tion­al Centre on 22nd Septem­ber. There­after he will head to Africa to tour for the first time, not­ably play­ing a date in his home­land of Ghana, before end­ing the world tour with a show in Lagos, Niger­ia.

Pre-order­ingHeavy Is The Head’ from Stormzy’s offi­cial store, will allow you to gain early access to tick­ets. Gen­er­al sale for all UK & Ire­land shows will com­mence on Fri­day 6th Decem­ber 9am.

The tour­ing news comes straight off the back of a phe­nom­en­al few weeks for 26-year-old Stormzy. Kick­ing-off the month announ­cing his hugely anti­cip­ated album ‘Heavy Is The Head’, last week the musi­cian also announced his brand new single ‘Own It’ fea­tur­ing music­al heavy­weights Ed Sheer­an and Burna Boy which is on course become Stormzy’s 7th top 10 single in today’s Offi­cial UK Charts!

 Stormzy’s forth­com­ing album, ‘Heavy Is The Head’ marks a hugely excit­ing return for the multi award-win­ning phe­nomen­on and is a record which has been exec­ut­ively pro­duced entirely by the musi­cian him­self; show­cas­ing his world class lyr­i­cism and music­al­ity along­side many of his cel­eb­rated and relat­able sub­ject mat­ters. The album also fea­tures addi­tion­al vocals from some of the most excit­ing musi­cians of this gen­er­a­tion — all of whom have been hand-picked by Stormzy includ­ing, (in alpha­bet­ic­al orderAitch, Burna Boy, Ed Sheer­an, Head­ie One, H.E.R., Tiana Major9 and YEBBA with pro­duc­tion from Fred Gib­son, Fraser T Smith, T‑Minus and others.

To date, Stormzy has unveiled four of the six­teen album tracks, leav­ing twelve unheard tracks still to come. In April he made his remark­able return to the spot­light where he unveiled ‘Vossi Bop’, his first release since 2017. ‘Vossi Bop’ broke the record for the biggest week one streams for a Brit­ish Rap­per, ever, with streams accu­mu­lat­ing to over 12.7 mil­lion! The single saw a com­bined sales total of 94,495 and sub­sequently earnt Stormzy his first ever UK #1 single, hold­ing the top pos­i­tion for two con­sec­ut­ive weeksShortly after he unveiled the stun­ning ‘Crown’ before unveil­ing his latest release ‘Wiley Flow’ – where he paid homage to Brit­ish MC, Wiley.

The album announce­ment fol­lows on from Stormzy being hailed as one of TIME Magazine’s ten ‘Next Gen­er­a­tion Lead­ers’ last month which coin­cided with him being the only lead­er hon­oured with a cov­er for the spe­cial issue.

Before Stormzy released his plat­in­um-selling #1 debut album, ‘Gang Signs & Pray­er’ in Feb­ru­ary 2017, many would merely have called him one of the most prom­ising rap­pers on the UK scene. Nearly three years on how­ever, that descrip­tion is utterly inad­equate. A show­man like no oth­er, his remark­able ascent has been accom­pan­ied by his hon­est and relat­able char­ac­ter. Known for evolving the under­ground music­al land­scape, as well as being a per­en­ni­al polit­ic­al agit­at­or, Stormzy is a true spokes­man of black empower­ment and social act­iv­ism. He has become one of the UK’s most inspir­ing cul­tur­al fig­ures and earli­er this year, dur­ing his head­line per­form­ance at Gla­ston­bury Fest­iv­al, he took the oppor­tun­ity to high­light a pleth­ora of social issues, includ­ing the injustice of young black chil­dren being crim­in­al­ised in a biased and dis­pro­por­tion­ate justice system.

Des­pite being out of the ‘music­al’ spot­light last year, his phil­an­thropy con­tin­ued. In July 2018 Stormzy launched ‘The Stormzy Schol­ar­ship’ – a stu­dent­ship which funds the study of two black stu­dents, each year, at Cam­bridge Uni­ver­sity and this sum­mer, launched its second year of the schol­ar­ship. Sub­sequent to the schol­ar­ship, he unveiled #Merky Books, an imprint formed in col­lab­or­a­tion with Pen­guin Ran­dom House UK which saw the release of his own book ‘Rise Up: The Story So Far’ in Novem­ber. Shortly after he revealed the imprint’s ‘Writers’ Prize’ – an ini­ti­at­ive which looks for the best authors of the next gen­er­a­tion. Adding fur­ther strings to his bow, the Ghanai­an MC also announced his very own music record label #Merky Records in Janu­ary 2018 — a sub­si­di­ary of Atlantic Records UK – which will look to sign the hot­test new and emer­ging talent.

Fur­ther to Stormzy’s incred­ible rise with­in his recor­ded music, the Croy­don-born MC has also broken records in the live sphere and in June earli­er this year he became the first Brit­ish Rap­per to ever head­line Gla­ston­bury Fest­iv­al, one of the world’s biggest music fest­ivals! Shortly after, he headed to Ibiza for his annu­al #Merky Fest­iv­al – a 2‑day event which hosts some of the UK’s most in-demand artists. This year the fest­iv­al sold-out in 48 hours, mark­ing the first time — in Ibiza his­tory – for a tick­eted event to have all tick­ets sold off of the island, pri­or to the event.

Build­ing momentum with impas­sioned sup­port from his devoted fan base, Stormzy is now the proud pos­sessor of over 25 awards includ­ing; 2 x BRIT Awards, 1 x Ivor Nov­ello Award, 6 x MOBO Awards, 1 x Q Award, 1 x MTV EMA, 1 x BBC Music Award, 1 x Teen Choice Award, 3 x AIM Awards, 2 x BET Awards, 2 x Brit­ish GQ Awards, 2 x Glob­al Awards and many more.

Stayed tuned to watch Stormzy pave the way with his genre-defin­ing record, “Heavy Is The Head.”

Thu 03 Sep 2020 Lon­don, England The O2
Fri 04 Sep 2020 Lon­don, England The O2
Tue 08 Sep 2020 Dub­lin, Repub­lic of Ireland 3Arena
Thu 10 Sep 2020 Glas­gow, Scotland SSE Hydro
Fri 11 Sep 2020 New­castle Upon Tyne, England Util­ita Arena
Sat 12 Sep 2020 Leeds, Eng­land First Dir­ect Arena
Sun 13 Sep 2020 Liv­er­pool, England M&S Bank Arena
Wed 16 Sep 2020 Shef­field, England FlyDSA Arena
Thu 17 Sep 2020 Manchester, Eng­land Manchester Arena
Fri 18 Sep 2020 Not­ting­ham, England Motor­point Arena
Sat 19 Sep 2020 Birm­ing­ham, England Arena Birm­ing­ham
Mon 21 Sep 2020 Cardiff, Wales Motor­point Arena Cardiff
Tue 22 Sep 2020 Bournemouth, Eng­land

Bournemouth Inter­na­tion­al Centre

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.