The pion­eer­ing music fest­iv­al empower­ing emer­ging tal­ent returns this Autumn with VICE’s open­ing night fea­tur­ing Talia God­dess, Loshh and India Shan + more to be announced

Round­house Mem­bers from Tues­day 9th August at 10am
Gen­er­al release from Thursday 11th August at 10am

World renowned Lon­don music ven­ue the Round­house announces Round­house Rising Fest­iv­al 2022, along­side a new brand part­ner­ship with glob­al multi-plat­form media com­pany VICE Media Group. The five-day flag­ship event will take place from Tues­day 4th Octo­ber to Sat­urday 8th Octo­ber 2022, with tick­ets launch­ing on Tues­day 9th Aug to Round­house mem­bers, and gen­er­al sale from Thursday 11th August at 10am.

This year, VICE will cur­ate the festival’s open­ing night on Tues­day 4th Octo­ber, fea­tur­ing a diverse line-up of some of the most prom­ising new names in music, and offer £1 tick­ets to those aged 30 and under across all shows. The first line-up names announced today include multi-hyphen­ate artist and cre­at­or from Brook­lyn, New York, Talia God­dess. Talia merges her many tal­ents as a self-taught sing­er-song­writer, rap­per, music pro­du­cer, DJ, mod­el, multi-instru­ment­al­ist, cre­at­ive entre­pren­eur, and com­munity lead­er to gal­van­ise the next gen­er­a­tion of cre­at­ives and push cul­ture for­ward. Also announced is mul­tidiscip­lin­ary artist Loshh, and soul­ful vocal­ist India Shan, who was hand­picked from Roundhouse’s Res­id­ent Artists pro­gram, with more acts to be announced.

Run­ning since 2011, Round­house Rising Fest­iv­al has built a repu­ta­tion for show­cas­ing diverse cre­at­ive tal­ent of the future through its reput­able cre­at­ive pro­gramme of per­form­ances, work­shops and access to industry events and train­ee­ships, driv­ing its ded­ic­a­tion to sup­port new and emer­ging artists and young people look­ing to pro­gress their careers in off-stage music roles.

In addi­tion to VICE’s open­ing night gig, the sub­sequent three nights will be cur­ated by BBC Music Intro­du­cing, the wide-reach­ing music net­work known for offer­ing up-and-com­ing artists broad­cast oppor­tun­it­ies on BBC radio, tele­vi­sion and online; multi-ven­ue Lon­don-based fest­iv­al and club night RIS­EN; and, a glob­al com­munity con­nect­ing women, gender minor­it­ies and allies in the music industry. Round­house Rising Fest­iv­al also part­ners with Deaf Rave which provides enter­tain­ment with music, sign song and visu­al per­form­ances to an all-inclus­ive audi­ence, glob­ally and across the UK. Line-ups to be confirmed.

Fea­tur­ing across all Rising Fest­iv­al gigs will be Beat Blocks. Beat Blocks is a haptic floor­ing sys­tem that takes input from any audio source and cre­ates felt vibra­tions and audio out­put to give people who are deaf or hard-of-hear­ing a new way to exper­i­ence gigs. Beat Blocks is bring­ing this innov­a­tion to live events to increase inclu­sion, provide a new excit­ing audio exper­i­ence and offer a solu­tion to noise pollution.

For the first time, and in response to the cost-of-liv­ing crisis, Round­house Rising Fest­iv­al will offer £1 tick­ets to any­one aged 30 and under, thanks to the inaug­ur­al part­ner­ship with VICE, to ensure music is access­ible as a source of joy and com­munity to those who need it most.

Announ­cing the new col­lab­or­a­tion Nadja White, Chief Mar­ket­ing Officer at VICE Media Group said: “VICE is syn­onym­ous with find­ing new voices and provid­ing a plat­form for diverse com­munit­ies and indi­vidu­als. We are delighted to be work­ing with Round­house to sup­port the next gen­er­a­tion of artists, provid­ing a glob­al plat­form for new tal­ent and bring­ing in new audi­ences through our award-win­ning content.”

As part of the new part­ner­ship, VICE’s sem­in­al music chan­nel, Noi­sey, will also pro­file a num­ber of Rising Festival’s fea­tured artists as well as pub­lish­ing addi­tion­al edit­or­i­al cov­er­age across a range of VICE plat­forms, includ­ing Noi­sey, its music channel.

Lucy Wood, Head of Music at Round­house said: “Rising Fest­iv­al is where Round­house comes into its own, as a home for incred­ible music exper­i­ences and also a world-class cre­at­ive pro­gramme for young people. Rising devel­ops, plat­forms and cel­eb­rates tal­ent of the future, and I’m excited that VICE’s involve­ment will amp­li­fy this. We do a lot of excel­lent things at the Round­house, but this is def­in­itely my favourite.”

In the last dec­ade, Round­house Rising has been a source of new tal­ent dis­cov­ery, and seen early-career per­form­ances from the likes of Little Simz, Jac­ob Banks, Green­tea Peng, Kojey Rad­ic­al, KOKOROKO and many more. Sup­port­ing emer­ging artists as they take their first steps on their respect­ive cre­at­ive jour­neys, is key to Rising’s pur­pose. The fest­iv­al provides a plat­form for artists to exper­i­ment and devel­op their craft in front of audi­ences that cher­ish moments of vul­ner­ab­il­ity and are ready to lend their ears to the new and unknown.

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.