Noth­ing but the Cross is the debut album by Noël McLean. As a con­tem­por­ary gos­pel album it provides an inclus­ive and emotive mes­sage of inspir­a­tion; deliv­er­ing the soul­ful tones one comes to asso­ci­ate with gos­pel music.

The song Made Me a Cham­pi­on is a reflec­tion of Noël’s eclect­ic music­al gift, where he clev­erly links the instru­ment­a­tion of soul and reg­gae to pro­duce a song that is sure to get you dancing!

Softer bal­lads like My Father­’s Child and Over­flow, togeth­er with the Hip Hop 4/4 time sig­na­ture behind All about You, provides a sample of Noël’s abil­ity to reach the heart as well as the music­al ear that simply loves a cath­artic groove.

Out now on all digit­al plat­forms or via

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Alex Gordon

Between 9–5 I’m a pas­sion­ate teach­er for teen­agers with spe­cial needs and dis­en­gaged young people. From 5–9 I’m a left-wing hip-hop head who fell in love with the music in the mid-90’s. Also have an equal love for jazz, soul and funk, am an avid record col­lect­or, lov­er of live shows and occa­sion­al DJ.

About Alex Gordon

Between 9-5 I'm a passionate teacher for teenagers with special needs and disengaged young people. From 5-9 I'm a left-wing hip-hop head who fell in love with the music in the mid-90’s. Also have an equal love for jazz, soul and funk, am an avid record collector, lover of live shows and occasional DJ.