Photo by Alex Brenner

A poet­ic look into street culture.

Wheth­er it’s bod­ies fly­ing from every corner of the stage or giant met­al ramps con­stantly devel­op­ing “Ele­ments Of Free­Style” is a truly unique experience.

The per­form­ance mar­ries high-risk stunts with eleg­ant cho­reo­graphy incred­ibly well and really does still carry over the energy that some­how, even though you are sit­ting in a theatre full of people, you could eas­ily be down at your loc­al skate park watch­ing a group of friends doing what they love. The play­ful storytelling and cas­u­al­ness of the per­formers work in a way that you don’t often see in the theatre, allow­ing the audi­ence mem­bers to truly con­nect to each indi­vidu­al and take a closer look into people who are clearly pas­sion­ate about street culture.

Sur­pris­ingly one of the main high­lights of the pro­duc­tion was the incred­ibly tal­en­ted string sec­tion, which told a beau­ti­ful story of its own, mov­ing and flow­ing with total cohe­sion to the per­formers and bring­ing a well-needed bit of light to an oth­er­wise dark and gritty soundscape.

“Ele­ments Of Free­Style” is strip­ping back the typ­ic­al ste­reo­types sur­round­ing street sports, show­ing you that there is beauty in the move­ment behind all the twis­ted met­al and mad stunts.

Cast & Creatives
Dir­ec­tion — Marco Gerris
Cast — Luis Alck­mim (FreeRun­ning), Michael Van Beek (Free­style bas­ket­ball), Sven Boek­horst (Inline skate), Jelle Brigge­man (Inline skate), Annie Tang­berg (Cello), Diet­rich Pott (Break­dance), Thomas Krikken (Break­dance), Bart Van Der Linden (FreeRun­ning), Dez Maarsen (BMX Flat­land), Vera Van Der Bie (Viool), Arnold Put (Break­dance), Pim Wouters (Skate­board)

Ele­ments of Free­style is run­ning at the Pea­cock Theatre from Wed­nes­day 13 April – Sat­urday 23 April

For more inform­a­tion click here

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Jamie Hicks

Jam­ie Hicks AKA Monti­colombi is a highly accred­ited musician/Journalist/writer based in NW Lon­don who has been tour­ing all over the world in vari­ous pro­jects for numer­ous years.

About Jamie Hicks

Jamie Hicks AKA Monticolombi is a highly accredited musician/Journalist/writer based in NW London who has been touring all over the world in various projects for numerous years.