PUNCH ‘WELCOME TO MY CITY 2019’ TOUR (@punchrecords)


April 2019

5 artists. 5 cit­ies. 5 days
Chiedu Oraka — Hull

Vital — Birmingham

China Bowls — Bristol

Fred Fre­das — London

Chesqua — Manchester

Known for ground­break­ing work with emer­ging UK artists and an abil­ity to spot ‘the next big thing’, devel­op­ment agency Punch announce five up & com­ing artists rep­res­ent­ing Wel­come To My City in 2019.

Punch have worked with region­al PRS Tal­ent Devel­op­ment Part­ners includ­ing; Bright­er Sound, The War­ren and Saf­fron Records to select 5 emer­ging artists mak­ing waves in their loc­al music scenes and will vis­it each of their home cit­ies as part of the Wel­come To My City tour, now in it’s third year.

Each event will be head­lined by the artist from that respect­ive city. Tick­ets are FREE, and avail­able now via Event­brite. (All show links below).

Tak­ing to the road this year are:

Chiedu Oraka is the sound of a new work­ing-class North­ern Eng­land. In a city often dom­in­ated by gui­tar music, Hull nat­ive Oraka offers a fresh altern­at­ive to hip-hop and Grime,  and already attrac­ted the atten­tion of every­one from Vice through to 6Music.

Wol­ver­hamp­ton born grime musi­cian VITAL is influ­enced by both his Mid­lands and Jamaic­an roots, evid­ent in his vari­ous releases includ­ing 2017’s POWERS EP and 2018’s Clean Hearts Only.

Already an estab­lished name on the Bris­tol scene, China Bowls deliv­ers a smooth honey pot of sounds, com­bin­ing neo soul, jazz and hip hop influ­ences to tackle a range of sub­jects includ­ing grief, belong­ing and hor­rible bosses.

An astute and obser­v­ant storyteller, Fred Fre­das har­nesses the imme­di­acy of grime with the undeni­able sheen of mod­ern Hip-Hop.  His mas­ter­ful, poet­ic flow & hard-hit­ting lyr­ics, mixed with a clear love for soul­ful instru­ment­als pro­duces thought-pro­vok­ing music.

Chesqua is a vibrant Manchester-based vocal­ist with an enthu­si­asm for song­writ­ing; com­bin­ing her love of Soul and Motown, fused togeth­er with pop production.

The tour gives each artist the oppor­tun­ity to not only head­line an event in their own ter­rit­ory, but also a chance to exper­i­ence work­ing in 4 oth­er cit­ies, shar­ing their tal­ents with a range of dif­fer­ent audi­ences, and bring­ing an excit­ing injec­tion of fresh new music from around the UK to each city. It also gives the artists a more com­plete pic­ture of the live music scene with their first taste of life on the road.

Wel­come To My City first hit the road in May 2017 and can already boast a wealth of suc­cess stor­ies for asso­ci­ated artists fea­tured in the months that fol­lowed the pro­ject; includ­ing Liverpool’s Sub Blue work­ing along­side a major label, Cardiff’s Kizzy Craw­ford receiv­ing a pub­lish­ing deal and Birmingham’s Gambimi & Lady San­ity going on to fur­ther UK tours and high pro­file fest­iv­al slots, the former sup­port­ing Lot­to­Boyzz & Dav­ido and the lat­ter billed to per­form at Wire­less Fest­iv­al 2019.

The Wel­come To My City 2019 lineup prom­ises to deliv­er an equally unpar­alleled fore­cast of UK emer­ging artists with big things of the horizon.

Full dates & tick­et links:

14th April 2019 — Lon­don — Under­belly (Hox­ton) — fredfredas.eventbrite.com

15th April 2019 — Bris­tol — The Louisi­ana — chinabowls.eventbrite.com

16th April 2019 — Manchester — Jimmy’s — Chesqua.eventbrite.com

17th April 2019 — Birm­ing­ham — The Flap­per — vitalwtmc.eventbrite.com

18th April 2019 — Hull — The New Adelphi Club — chieduoraka.eventbrite.com

All tick­ets:



The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.