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Ayles­bury artist Matty Lloyd has just released his new album ‘Epis­ode One’ — an 11 track pro­ject pro­duced by Nutty P (Wretch 32, Ghetts, Sway, Cas­IsDead, Skep­ta) and con­tains fea­tures from Nolay, Mic Right­eous and Suspence.

Reflect­ing on the dips and dives of emo­tion­al tur­moil, Epis­ode One is a refresh­ing and thought pro­vok­ing hip hop pro­ject that tramples on themes most rap­pers are scared to even dip their toes in.

Through­out the pro­ject, you can hear the emcee and pro­du­cer pair­ing ‘col­our­ing out­side of the lines’.

Matty’s con­fid­ence and pres­ence on the mic shines through, whilst show­ing he has the guts to tackle chal­len­ging sub­jects whilst keep­ing the vibes pro­gress­ing at a fast pace.

Hav­ing been dir­ectly affected by a num­ber of pro­found life exper­i­ences, Matty Lloyd tackles a range of dar­ing themes on Chapter One.

Whilst Nutty P’s pro­duc­tion adds sub­stance to the songs’ struc­tures and son­ics, the album offers up hon­esty and express­ive lyr­i­cism along with tongue in cheek cri­tiques on Matty’s take on music industry.

“I approached Nutty P to do a song com­mem­or­at­ing the 10th anniversary of my broth­er com­mit­ting sui­cide. It wasn’t a trib­ute song as I’d also lost anoth­er of my broth­ers to sui­cide in 2013, it was more to speak on the after­math of going through that situ­ation and how those around you act when deal­ing with it face to face.”

“I went back to Nutty as we dis­cussed mak­ing a full pro­ject, and he agreed. I didn’t know exactly what dir­ec­tion I wanted to go in, I just wanted to make a sol­id rap project”

“The first song he put to me was ‘Psy­cho’. He’d laid the hook and as I’d had some exper­i­ence with battle rap, he said he wanted me to be a little bit brag­gado­cio, so I aimed it at the industry and how they only push one nar­rat­ive… it is a tongue-in cheek-song littered with ele­ments of truth.”

“We touch on numer­ous top­ics through­out, some being extremely ser­i­ous and oth­ers just gen­er­ally tak­ing the piss.”

“Me and Nutty P were intro­duced in 2006 and over the years we have been able to devel­op a friend­ship. We’re not too dif­fer­ent when it comes to what we’re influ­enced by, so mak­ing beats tailored spe­cific­ally to me wasn’t hard at all. On the tracks he’s fea­tured on he’s just as open & per­son­al and almost as ridicu­lous as me. We just had fun with it. There was no feel­ing of being com­pet­it­ive, try­ing to get one up on the oth­er or try­ing to fit into whatever is deemed rel­ev­ant by industry stand­ards. They don’t make the music, we do!”

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.