Doctored Sound presents a glor­i­ous insight into the themes of Lauryn Hill’s famed album with the release album with the release of ‘Mise­du­ca­tion of the Insta Generation’.

Music has forever been a sub­ject­ive won­der that lends itself to emo­tion, insight, thought and feel­ing. From deep polit­ic­al move­ments and social com­ment­ary to sheer enter­tain­ment, music is all encap­su­lat­ing when it comes to its cause and can be con­sumed on a per­son­al level with per­son­al under­stand­ing, yet every so often an album is cre­ated that rocks the world and touches listen­ers en masse. When Lauryn Hill made her solo debut with the release of The Mise­du­ca­tion Of Lauryn Hill, she cre­ated a mas­ter­piece that presen­ted a woman’s view on life and love with an excep­tion­al artist­ic range that would sub­sequently con­trib­ute to the greatest albums of all time, and to the evol­u­tion of Hip-Hop and Neo Soul.


In an unpre­ced­en­ted, land­mark move, over 20 years after its release and almost 5000 miles from its incep­tion, an upstart record label from the UK, Doctored Sound, has select­ively pieced togeth­er a selec­tion of excep­tion­al tal­ent to dis­sect the themes with­in the Grammy Award win­ning album and make a mas­ter­piece of its own. ‘The Mise­du­ca­tion Of The Insta Gen­er­a­tion’ is a 10-track pro­ject mas­ter­minded by Isatta Sher­iff, the founder of the Black female led label who has pre­vi­ously been signed as a major label artist and con­sults for 0207 Def Jam and The Rap Game UK. “My goal was to use Lauryn Hill’s incred­ible album as a tool to inspire and devel­op a new gen­er­a­tion of tal­ent. The music industry always asks ques­tions about female rap­pers and their pos­i­tion in the mar­ket. As a Black female rap­per, I thought it would be great to cre­ate an example, through Doctored Sound, in order to back up my responses. I wanted to do this by using argu­ably the greatest rap album of all time as inspir­a­tion, because it was cre­ated by a Black woman.”

Fea­tur­ing the tal­ents of 4 upcom­ing artists, that are at a break­ing point of their careers, and 3 pro­du­cers, the selec­tion of solo and col­lab­or­at­ive tracks was cre­ated over 3 months, along­side a doc­u­ment­ary, a photo gal­lery and a selec­tion of stu­dio led visu­als that doc­u­ments the pro­jects cre­ation. From boun­cing lo-fi Hip-Hop beats, flir­ta­tions of Afrobeats, soul­ful R&B to the throw­back styles of jazz and 90’s Hip-Hop that strike through the heart of the record, ‘The Mise­du­ca­tion Of The Insta Gen­er­a­tion’ is a cel­eb­ra­tion of Hip-Hop style and cul­ture. Zino Milly (Fredo, Kojo Funds), EM1X (Head­ie 1, Abra Cadabara, Sneakbo, Tion Wayne) and Dom Port­er (K S R) lead the charge for the pro­duc­tion with each bring­ing a flair of con­tem­por­ary edge to the clas­sic sounds and synths that are emblazoned across a bygone era. Mean­while the lyr­i­cism, deliv­ery and flows come from a cel­eb­rated cast made up of SB (24 rap­pers to watch in 2022 – Com­plex, sup­por­ted by Tiffany Cal­ver, Kenny All­star & Snooch­ie Shy), Denyh­er (cham­pioned by DJ Kenny All­star – BBC Radio 1Xtra), BBC Intro­du­cing artist Mercy’s Car­tel and Sam­son (cham­pioned by Kojey Radical).

Explor­ing love (in sev­er­al guises), pain, mod­ern day pres­sures and beliefs, from a Brit­ish per­spect­ive in 2022, the pro­ject fea­tures 2 solo singles from each artist and a col­lab­or­at­ive grand finale for ‘Onto Some­thing’. Unpick­ing an icon­ic album and inter­pret­ing it in today’s cli­mate has allowed for an excep­tion­al piece of work to be cre­ated that undoubtedly makes room for new dis­cus­sions, new thoughts, and feel­ings to be spawned. Much like its pre­de­cessor, The Mise­du­ca­tion Of An Insta Gen­er­a­tion’ offers a music­al moment to be explored, cel­eb­rated and cher­ished for future gen­er­a­tions. With a time­less sound and an array or excep­tion­al tal­ent, it’s time to explore ‘The Mise­du­ca­tion Of An Insta Generation’.

The launch event is Sat­urday April 16th 2022, 6pm at Kun­straum, 21 Ros­coe Street, Lon­don EC1Y 8PT

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Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.