Begin­ning to assert a fasten­ing hold on the Brit­ish urb­an scene, emphat­ic female MC, Deyah is back with her brand-new Care City EP – out via High Mileage, Low Life on 10th April 2020. The video to her new single, ‘Vent­house Suite’ is out now.

 Few artists are able to rep­lic­ate the raw, unashamed cand­our of Berkshire-based rap­per, Deyah. A grip­ping open book, her con­fes­sion­al lyr­ics are artic­u­late and unapo­lo­get­ic­ally frank. An oppos­ing blend of rous­ing nar­ra­tion behind leth­ar­gic, lo-fi beats, she excav­ates her deep­est insec­ur­it­ies, prob­ing and scru­tin­ising the essence of her inner­most vul­ner­ab­il­it­ies. Uncon­strained by self-interest and armed with pur­pose­ful integ­rity, Deyah is free to pur­sue her own unique vision.

 Fol­low­ing up 2019’s Lov­er Loner EP, Deyah’s new pro­ject, Care City is an extens­ive blue­print for a tumul­tu­ous few months, the darkest peri­od of her life so far. Pas­sion­ate and whole­heartedly to the point, it embod­ies a jour­ney to the murky depths and back again, her men­tal state metic­u­lously doc­u­mented and relayed with brute and assert­ing hon­esty. A con­cep­tu­al mas­ter­piece, Care City searches for light in the etern­al gloom. 

 The video to her new single, ‘Vent­house Suite’ addresses the tor­ment of being judged and mis­treated by oth­ers, togeth­er find­ing for­give­ness in anguish and despair.

 A swell­ing intro­duc­tion, ‘Ter­min­al 7’, chan­nels hope in dysto­pia and sets the defi­ant tone Care City’s con­tem­plat­ive call to arms. Behind swim­ming atmo­spher­ics, ‘Oko­posire’ makes peace with isol­a­tion, trauma, and heartache. Eth­er­e­al strings-led beats on Ciao’ can­didly lay out the real­ity of addic­tion. Slow rever­ber­a­tions on ‘Mars’ embody the self-destruct­ive pas­sion of lov­ers and ‘Liquor Lament’ is a total depar­ture from all faith and con­trol. Des­pite its often-tra­gic nar­ra­tion, Care City is a cour­ageous step bey­ond the dark.

 Deyah has received praise from not­able artists such as Rick Ross, WileyJME, Little Simz, Lily Allen, Jessie J, Kojey Rad­ic­al, Shakka and Bug­zy Malone. She’s pre­vi­ously garnered sup­port from the likes of The Guard­i­anFred Perry: Sub­cul­tureGuest­l­ist Net­workGUAP MagazineI Am Hip Hop Magazine and Itchy Silk

 Released under her pre­vi­ous pseud­onym, NoNameDis­ciple her 2017 pro­ject, Ther­apy Ses­sions 77 sparked the interest ofLinda Ser­ck at BBC Intro­du­cing Berkshire as well as DJ Sem­tex (Cap­it­al Xtra) and DJ Tar­get (BBC 1Xtra). Deyah was fea­tured on Etta Bond’s ‘Sur­face’ Chal­lenge remix with all the pro­ceeds going to the Nor­doff Rob­bins music ther­apy char­ity. She was also nom­in­ated for the 2019 Welsh Music Prize. Deyah has per­formed at not­able fest­ivals such as Read­ing & LeedsBoomtownOut­look and BBC’s Biggest week­end.



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Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.