
Song­writer, pro­du­cer and MC Broth­er May is more than just a multi-dis­cip­lin­ary artist: he’s a cre­at­ive auteur, sculpt­ing spon­tan­eous ideas into new and innov­at­ive forms through music and sound that’s based upon ideals of free­dom and expressivity.

 Broth­er May’s debut album ‘Aura Type Orange’ will be released on 28th June.

 Since record­ing the Chopped and Screwed Mix­tape with Mic­achu & The Shapes and The Lon­don Sin­foni­etta in 2010, Broth­er May has worked with a var­ied cast of son­ic pion­eers, includ­ing Joe God­dard of Hot Chip, Mat­thew Her­bert, Ben Vince, Kwes and Tirzah, while sup­port­ing vis­ion­ary artists such as Arca and Mount Kim­bie at sold-out Lon­don dates: his endeav­ours haven’t gone unnoticed either, with pub­lic­a­tions like FACT Magazine and The Fader pay­ing close atten­tion, as well as radio sup­port from NTS.

Broth­er May has also worked with pres­ti­gi­ous Lon­don ven­ues the Bar­bican and Cam­den Round­house. After prov­ing his tal­ents as a sought-after col­lab­or­at­or, Broth­er May is now step­ping out as a solo artist with the release of his debut LP, Aura Type Orange – an album pro­duced by Mica Levi and co-pro­duced by Broth­er May, Coby Sey and Rob McCormack.

Cap­tiv­at­ing, elec­tric and exhil­ar­at­ingly unique, the release reflects on the real­isa­tion of inner poten­tial, explor­ing con­cepts of growth and evol­u­tion while clearly exhib­it­ing May’s own devel­op­ment as a lyr­i­cist, pro­du­cer and cre­at­ive talent.

“Aura Type Orange is about those people who, when they real­ise their full poten­tial, find that there are no lim­its to what can be achieved. It’s about life, evol­u­tion, and learn­ing from one’s mis­takes.” – Broth­er May

Incis­ive flows, insight­ful lyr­ics and unex­pec­ted rhyme schemes that run rings around the beat: Broth­er May’s dis­tinct­ive vocal style is as recog­nis­able as ever. Co-pro­duced by May him­self along­side Mica Levi, the upcom­ing LP matches May’s avant-rap idio­syn­crasies with upfront beats and unortho­dox pro­duc­tion that draws from his exper­i­ment­al back­ground while retain­ing a cru­cial sense of imme­di­acy and impact. ‘Aua Type Orange’ is our first oppor­tun­ity to wit­ness one of the UK’s most ima­gin­at­ive artists show­case his sin­gu­lar tal­ents and music­al dex­ter­ity across a full-length solo pro­ject for the first time. Take note!

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Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.