Cali­for­nia born Indi­an rap­per Raja Kumari has become the first female MC to be signed to Mass Appeal India, sup­por­ted by icon­ic rap­per Nas.

‘I’m so excited to be join­ing Mass Appeal fam­ily, ever since I fell in love with hip hop it has been a dream of mine to work with Nas. Their vis­ion of bring­ing Indi­an hip hop to the inter­na­tion­al mar­ket is inspir­ing and I look for­ward to work­ing­to­geth­er to achieve that goal’.

Raja Kumari real name Svetha Rao although Amer­ic­an born was raised by Indi­an par­ents who emig­rated to Cali­for­nia in the 1970’s which has allowed her to fuse both cul­tures into her rhym­ing style. Not just a lyr­i­cist Raja Kumai has trained as a clas­sic Indi­an dan­cer which she incor­por­ated into her music videos and shows help­ing her to fur­ther fuse her cre­at­ive tal­ents. Her port­fo­lio already includes col­lab­or­a­tions with artists such as Gwen Stefani, Iggy Aza­lea, Fifth Har­mony, Knife Party, Fall Out Boy.

It’s every MC’s dream to be signed by Nas and there has to be some­thing spe­cial about you to catch his eye, ‘When I first met Raja, I knew she was someone the world needs to hear. Her pres­ence exudes con­fid­ence and indi­vidu­al­ity — a true artist with glob­al appeal.  We’re thrilled to have her on the team as the first lady of Mass Appeal India.’

Raja Kumari has already been nom­in­ated for a Grammy and her first single on Mass Appeal will be, ‘NRI’ released in April. Exud­ing con­fid­ence and ori­gin­al­ity, it is a real step for­ward for Asi­an female MC’s and happened to tie in with Inter­na­tion­al women’s day. I can­not wait to hear what she will cre­ate next!

Ins­tagram: @therajakumari

Twit­ter: @therajakumari


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Faizah Cyanide

Faizah works in clin­ic­al research by pro­fes­sion and has been an avid Hip Hop lov­er since the early 90’s, hav­ing cre­ated her own Hip Hop event, ‘Breakin’ Bound­ar­ies’ in the early 2000’s which was pre­dom­in­antly based around the concept of bboy battles, she has worked with sev­er­al inter­na­tion­al events pro­moters and dan­cers to inspire oth­ers through this artform.

About Faizah Cyanide

Faizah works in clinical research by profession and has been an avid Hip Hop lover since the early 90's, having created her own Hip Hop event, 'Breakin' Boundaries' in the early 2000's which was predominantly based around the concept of bboy battles, she has worked with several international events promoters and dancers to inspire others through this artform.