Laces Out! expands to a big­ger ven­ue for its 9th year as the UKs train­er cul­ture booms, mak­ing the event one of the biggest in Europe this year

Laces Out! Train­er Fest­iv­al, the ulti­mate gath­er­ing for sneak­er enthu­si­asts, has just announced its relo­ca­tion to a lar­ger and more spa­cious ven­ue, the ACC Exhib­i­tion Centre at Kings Dock Liv­er­pool. The highly anti­cip­ated event on Sat­urday June 17th prom­ises an even big­ger and bet­ter exper­i­ence for attendees and makes this year’s date one of the biggest in Europe.

Mov­ing Laces Out! to the ACC Exhib­i­tion Centre is fueled by the over­whelm­ing response from pre­vi­ous years for a big­ger loc­a­tion. The new ven­ue offers ample space to accom­mod­ate the extra vis­it­ors whilst offer­ing an impress­ive lineup of traders and sneak­er brands.

Rob May, Laces Out!’s founder, explains:

“We’re proudly now one of the longest run­ning and largest train­er fest­ivals in Europe with our move to the ACC Exhib­i­tion Centre and it’s nice to have built that in Liv­er­pool. UK train­er cul­ture con­tin­ues to grow unabated, ran­ging from cas­u­al enthu­si­asts to people who ded­ic­ate their lives col­lect­ing some of the rarest sneak­ers out there. We have cul­tiv­ated a loy­al fol­low­ing who come from all over the UK to buy, trade, and just gen­er­ally link up with like-minded people, as well as devel­op­ing our wider pro­gramme at each Laces Out! around guest speak­ers, music and cul­ture. Our 9th year is going to be one to remember.”

This 9th anniversary edi­tion of Laces Out! Train­er Fest­iv­al has double the num­ber of traders com­pared to pre­vi­ous events. Sneak­er­heads can expect an unpar­alleled selec­tion of rare and exclus­ive train­ers, lim­ited edi­tions, and sought-after col­lab­or­a­tions. With an expan­ded trader lineup, attendees will have an incred­ible oppor­tun­ity to explore a vast array of foot­wear options and con­nect with fel­low enthu­si­asts from around the world.

The event prom­ises much more than just sneak­er shop­ping. Laces Out! attendees can immerse them­selves in sneak­er cul­ture, engage in insight­ful con­ver­sa­tions, and gain valu­able know­ledge from industry insiders. The day will fea­ture live music per­form­ances, guest appear­ances by renowned sneak­er experts, pan­el dis­cus­sions and excit­ing giveaways.

Guests include renowned pho­to­graph­er Lawrence Wat­son, who caught the early days of hip-hop cul­ture in NYC in the 1980s cap­tur­ing Run DMC, Pub­lic Enemy and LL Cool J, and has worked with many icon­ic artists includ­ing New Order, Grace Jones and Pet Shop Boys. Earli­er this month, some of this work fea­tured as part of Bey­ond The Streets Lon­don, a graf­fiti and street art exhib­i­tion at Saat­chi Lon­don com­mis­sioned by Adi­das Originals.

The ACC Exhib­i­tion Centre, situ­ated in the vibrant Kings Dock area of Liv­er­pool, provides an ideal back­drop for Laces Out! Train­er Fest­iv­al. Its spa­cious halls, state-of-the-art facil­it­ies, and con­veni­ent loc­a­tion are ideal for attendees, traders, and exhib­it­ors alike. Laces Out! has estab­lished itself as a premi­er event in the sneak­er com­munity, attract­ing thou­sands of enthu­si­asts year after year. The move rep­res­ents an excit­ing mile­stone for the fest­iv­al ahead of its 10th anniversary next year.

Gen­er­al admis­sion tick­ets and VIP pack­ages for Sat­urday June 17th offer­ing exclus­ive gift bags from offi­cial part­ner Jason Markk include free clean­ing products, stick­ers, pin badges and more. Oth­er part­ners of the event include Liv­er­pool based retail­er Sev­en Store who will be host­ing some activ­ity instore straight after the event. LMNTS and Rep­rimo brand will also be in attend­ance, show­cas­ing some of their new­est unseen products to the Liv­er­pool audience.

Finally, there’s an after party at 24 Kit­chen Street cel­eb­rat­ing 50 Years of Hip-Hop with DJ Mr Thing, Konny Kon (Chil­dren of Zeus) and more guests to be announced, tak­ing place from 8pm.

Laces Out! Train­er Festival
Sat­urday 17th June 2023
ACC Exhib­i­tion Centre, King’s Dock, Port of Liv­er­pool, Kings Dock St, Liv­er­pool, L3 4FP
Mid­day – 5pm
Tick­ets from £10.00 + £1.00 book­ing fee 
Info and tick­ets:



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Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.