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The form­a­tion of Mind Body Elev­a­tion Muzik is a cap­tiv­at­ing tale of con­nec­tion and cre­ativ­ity. Though its mem­bers did­n’t ini­tially know each oth­er, their paths con­verged through divine align­ment dur­ing an Apple Developer Academy jour­ney. Weekly free­style ses­sions cul­tiv­ated a unique bond, lay­ing the found­a­tion for their col­lab­or­at­ive music endeavor. Pas­sion­ate about heal­ing, hope, and lib­er­a­tion, the col­lect­ive’s shared vis­ion mater­i­al­ized into the soul­ful ‘Mind Body Elev­a­tion Muzik V1’ album, a test­a­ment to their col­lect­ive ded­ic­a­tion and cre­at­ive syn­ergy. The album art­fully explores themes of love, per­son­al growth, and resi­li­ence, draw­ing from their own life exper­i­ences. Each artist’s dis­tinct­ive sound shines through in standout tracks, cre­at­ing a har­mo­ni­ous and diverse music­al tapestry. The col­lect­ive aims to uplift and empower listen­ers, with care­fully craf­ted lyr­ics serving as a con­duit for emo­tion­al con­nec­tion. Excit­ing future pro­jects are on the hori­zon, con­tinu­ing their jour­ney of elev­at­ing minds, bod­ies, and souls through music. We catch up with them to find out more!

What drove the form­a­tion of Mind Body Elev­a­tion Muzik, how did you all meet? 

The form­a­tion of Mind Body Elev­a­tion Muzik is an intriguing jour­ney, as the col­lect­ive mem­bers had­n’t all met each oth­er ini­tially. Some have not met at all. The pro­cess began years ago, but it all coalesced in June of last year when I joined the Apple Developer Academy. Dur­ing my 10-month jour­ney there, divine align­ment led me to con­nect with vari­ous indi­vidu­als who shared the same pas­sion for cre­at­ing music that brings heal­ing, hope, and lib­er­a­tion to our community.

In our time at the academy, the crew would gath­er weekly, immers­ing ourselves in free­style ses­sions over dif­fer­ent instru­ment­als that res­on­ated with our spir­its. These ses­sions became the found­a­tion for our col­lab­or­at­ive jour­ney. We revis­ited those free­styles, refin­ing and rework­ing the hooks and verses to cre­ate the best pos­sible music.

Some of our mem­bers, such as Wavie P, RafaEL, and Eighty‑4, have been part of this music­al adven­ture since the begin­ning. We’d meet for weekly free­style ses­sions in my par­ents’ base­ment just for fun, often dis­cuss­ing the idea of col­lab­or­at­ing. Now, after 8 years, we’ve mani­fes­ted this mas­ter­piece of artistry.

Through the power of divine tim­ing and shared vis­ion, the Mind Body Elev­a­tion Muzik col­lect­ive has come togeth­er to bring soul­ful and trans­form­at­ive music to the world. Our pas­sion for heal­ing, hope, and lib­er­a­tion unites us, and this col­lab­or­at­ive effort stands as a test­a­ment to the beauty of shared cre­ativ­ity and per­sever­ance over time. This pro­ject rep­res­ents the cul­min­a­tion of our col­lect­ive’s best work, driv­en by a deep con­nec­tion to our craft and a desire to make a pos­it­ive impact on our com­munity and beyond.

How did the col­lect­ive’s belief in the heal­ing power of music influ­ence the themes in ‘Mind Body Elev­a­tion Muzik V1’? How do you feel music can act as a tool for healing?

Our col­lect­ive firmly believes in the heal­ing power of music, and this belief strongly influ­enced the themes in ‘Mind Body Elev­a­tion Muzik V1.’ We see music as a ves­sel for express­ing raw emo­tions, exper­i­ences, and mes­sages that res­on­ate deeply with our audi­ence. The album is a reflec­tion of pain, pas­sion, and tri­umph, provid­ing an emo­tion­al and heal­ing exper­i­ence for listen­ers. We believe music acts as a tool for heal­ing by offer­ing solace in times of hard­ship, inspir­ing hope, and encour­aging intro­spec­tion and self-discovery.

Can you explain the col­lab­or­at­ive pro­cess between the six unique artists fea­tured in the album and how they com­ple­men­ted each oth­er­’s styles to cre­ate a har­mo­ni­ous and layered sound?

The pro­cess of cre­at­ing this album was very organ­ic. The album star­ted in early Septem­ber after the listen­ing party for my debut solo pro­ject. After we listened to my pro­ject, we began a free­style ses­sion to dif­fer­ent instru­ment­als I found off You­Tube. The first free­style with the col­lect­ive became the second song on our pro­ject, titled “Show Me Some Love.” 

After that ini­tial ses­sion, we had maybe 20 or 30 more over the fol­low­ing 7 months, dur­ing which we recor­ded over 200 free­styles to ran­dom beats on You­Tube. After each ses­sion, I would send the songs to artists in the col­lect­ive, and dif­fer­ent songs would res­on­ate with each artist. The artists would either clean up their free­styles or write to the selec­ted tracks and lay out their new vocals dur­ing the sub­sequent sessions. 

Around April, we had 30 songs out of the 200 that I believed would make a great pro­ject. Work­ing with a team, we nar­rowed down the 30 songs to 10, and from those 10, we selec­ted the 9 you hear on this pro­ject (song 10 will go on the next project).

As far as vibes, every artist on each song vibed organ­ic­ally. Besides Wavie P, RaphEL, and Eighty‑4, I have only worked with the oth­er artists on this pro­ject for less than a year. Everything meshed seam­lessly, which makes me believe, without a shad­ow of a doubt, that the group’s form­a­tion was of divine order.

The voices of the artists com­ple­ment each oth­er on the tracks, grace­fully lay­er­ing one after anoth­er, leav­ing you anti­cip­at­ing how you’ll be ser­en­aded from moment to moment. From soul­ful seduc­tion to bold bass, the vari­ety of cre­at­ive styles brings soul ful­fill­ment to those who hear it.

How did the artists mas­ter­fully explore themes of love, per­son­al growth, and resi­li­ence in ‘Mind Body Elev­a­tion Muzik V1,does the inspir­a­tion stem from your own experiences?

‘Mind Body Elev­a­tion Muzik V1’ explores themes of love, per­son­al growth, and resi­li­ence with mas­ter­ful fin­esse. The inspir­a­tion for these themes stems from our own life exper­i­ences and those of people we’ve encountered along our jour­ney. We believe that music should serve as a reflec­tion of the col­lect­ive human exper­i­ence, so we drew from our per­son­al tri­umphs, struggles, and moments of growth to craft songs that res­on­ate deeply with our listeners.

Which standout tracks in the album exem­pli­fy indi­vidu­al artist sounds, high­light­ing their unique tal­ents with­in the collective?

Standout tracks in the album exem­pli­fy each artist’s unique sound and show­case their indi­vidu­al tal­ents with­in the col­lect­ive. From soul-stir­ring bal­lads to high-energy anthems, each song bears the dis­tinct mark of the artist who cre­ated it, con­trib­ut­ing to the rich diversity of our music­al offering.

This pro­ject is one where you dont want to skip any song in my opin­ion because each is layered with rich con­tent that makes you think intu­it­ively about your­self, the issues you deal with in life, and gives a sense of hope through the chaos.

Man in the mir­ror is an intro­spect­ive self reflec­tion about search­ing for iden­tity, accept­ance, and free­dom through being hon­est about where we cur­rently are on our life journey.

Show me some love is a vibrant soul vibe that is laced with A1 lyr­ics and the over­all sen­ti­ment of show­ing people love who are on their grind but not get­ting their recognition.

Brand New World is a breath of fresh air. The melod­ic soul­ful expres­sion of mani­fest­a­tion and love. Each artist paints a pic­ture in their sec­tion that allows the listen­er to see a clear image of what the artist is try­ing to say. This song is a deep med­it­at­ing soul vibe

Dif­fer­ent is full of Bar heavy stan­zas about what makes us uniquely who we are as artists. From the tri­als and tribu­la­tions, being out­casted because of our unique­ness, to rising above the ashes, this song put the listen­er in a state of vic­tory and overcoming

Agape Love is an expres­sion of love and thank­ful­ness to God for being con­sist­ent with His Love for us even though we make mis­takes and are imperfect.

Believe In You makes you feel that someone of great power and respons­ib­il­ity is sit­ting you down and speak­ing life right into your chaos. Think Uncle Ben talk­ing to Peter before he was murdered. The verses on the song tell a story of vic­tory of tri­als and hold­ing on when youre on the brink of destruction.

Meet again is a trib­ute to our loved ones lost. Its a love let­ter to the angels from the heav­ens above look­ing down upon us, and us express­ing that although they are gone in the phys­ic­al, they are with in spirit

Chan­ging the world is an anthem for cul­ture! Were speak­ing life into the future gen­er­a­tions with hopes that they will remain encour­aged through their tribu­la­tions and push­ing towards excellence

Be alright is the outro and is an anthem through all the pain, tribu­la­tions, and trau­mas you are going to be alright there is hope in every storms and storms do not last forever.

What do you want listen­ers to take away from your album?

Our deep­est desire is for listen­ers to take away a sense of elev­a­tion, empower­ment, and emo­tion­al con­nec­tion from our album. We want our music to become a guid­ing light on their jour­ney of self-dis­cov­ery and per­son­al growth. We hope that each song becomes a ves­sel of solace, inspir­a­tion, and joy, leav­ing a last­ing impact on those who engage with our art.

In a world where music has such a massive impact on listen­ers, how import­ant are the lyr­ics in your music?

In the world of music, lyr­ics are the heart­beat of our artistry. We believe that power­ful and mean­ing­ful lyr­ics are essen­tial in for­ging a deep con­nec­tion with our audi­ence. Our music seeks to be a trans­form­at­ive exper­i­ence, and the care­fully craf­ted words in our songs serve as a con­duit for emo­tions and mes­sages that res­on­ate with our listen­ers on a pro­found level.

Have you been per­form­ing any­where this summer?

As a col­lect­ive, we have yet to per­form togeth­er but we have spe­cial per­form­ances that are in the works. Stay tuned!!!

What are your plans for future pro­jects and build­ing on the themes explored in this album?

Look­ing ahead, we have excit­ing plans for future pro­jects that build upon the themes explored in ‘Mind Body Elev­a­tion Muzik V1.’ We aim to con­tin­ue craft­ing soul­ful music that con­nects deeply with our audi­ence and explores the depths of the human exper­i­ence. Col­lab­or­a­tions with oth­er tal­en­ted artists and music that delves even fur­ther into themes of love, growth, and resi­li­ence are on the hori­zon. We’re eager to keep elev­at­ing minds, bod­ies, and souls through our music­al journey.

Rich­Nex­tWeeknd has a new EP titled Orange that is stream­ing on SoundCloud.

Wavie P cur­rently has a new single called WYDTout on all stream­ing plat­forms and has a new single Attrac­tionthat will be releas­ing soon. His most recent EP is titled NoRe­fun­dz 3.

V.O.E will be drop­ping his second EP for his Vic­tory Over Everything series before the new year with his first single drop­ping early September.

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.