This sum­mer Noz­stock: The Hid­den Val­ley cel­eb­rates its 20th anniversary, enter­ing a small group of fest­ivals who have reached two dec­ades of cre­at­ing magic each sum­mer. It’s a huge achieve­ment for the fam­ily-fun fest­iv­al which is set across their work­ing farm in the rolling hills of Here­ford­shire. It is an event which has grown from a group of like-minded friends gathered togeth­er many years ago into a truly mes­mer­ic exper­i­ence of won­der and enchant­ment for all the ages.

Ella Nos­worthy, who runs Noz­stock with her fath­er, says: “No-one is more sur­prised than us that we’ve made it to our 20th birth­day! We’re plan­ning our biggest show ever to make it a real cel­eb­ra­tion, and we’re sure that any­one who has been to the fest­iv­al will not want to miss this sum­mer! We’ve bought back some of our favour­ite and most mem­or­able artists from the past 20 years. Our Noz­stal­gia theme is whatever you feel fond about from the past. There’s lots of inspir­a­tion to get really creative!”

The Noz­stock team are incred­ibly proud to be reveal­ing the first round of artists join­ing them for their moment­ous birth­day cel­eb­ra­tions. As ever, it’s a kal­eido­scop­ic mix of head­line names, up and com­ing tal­ent and seasoned stars form­ing an incred­ible range of styles across the event’s ten intim­ate stages.

Head­lining The Orch­ard, elec­tron­ic floor fillers Chase & Status are one of the most suc­cess­ful acts asso­ci­ated with drum and bass, with multi-plat­in­um albums, numer­ous chart­ing singles, and work­ing with the likes of Rihanna. Elec­tron­ic pop duo Gold­frapp are an enchant­ing force, releas­ing iri­des­cent, intriguing pop since 1999 across 7 highly respec­ted albums. The Selecter are a 2‑Tone ska band fea­tur­ing a racially diverse and polit­ic­ally charged line-up, whilst over a 20-year career the Dub Pis­tols have worked with her­oes like The Spe­cials and Mad­ness. Elec­tric Swing Cir­cus is a 6‑strong fusion of saucy 20s swing and stomp­ing elec­tro beats, and The Lovely Eggs are a lo-fi psy­che­del­ic punk rock band. Next up are the The Stiff Joints, a 10-piece ska army with a rauc­ous infu­sion of ska, punk and reg­gae, and as Oh My God! It’s The Church encour­age all sin­ners to join them, Mr Tea and The Min­ions bring their gypsy fla­voured ska and swing. Mad Apple Cir­cus is an ori­gin­al blend of horn-fuelled styles and Buffo’s Wake are gypsy punk lun­at­ics with a taste for the macabre.

Over in The Garden, rap roy­alty Grand­mas­ter Flash was a mem­ber of his ground-break­ing hip-hop group with the Furi­ous Five and developed nev­er heard before turntable tech­niques; he brings his incred­ible party-rock­ing acu­men to the stage. Speak­ing of legends, Chali 2na MC, paint­er and found­ing mem­ber of hip-hop super­group Jur­as­sic 5 returns to The Garden along­side Krafty Kutz; the multi award-win­ning DJ and undis­puted King of Breaks. Noz­stock fave DJ Marky has worked with Madonna, and Fat­boy Slim as well as releas­ing his own albums fus­ing drum and bass with full-tilt club beats and laid-back house grooves, and hip-hop duo Taskforce bring street stor­ies and psy­che­del­ic flows, whilst liv­ing legends Verb T and Pitch 92 will bring an odys­sey in rhyme and funk. The dex­trous lyr­i­cist and M.C of High Focus Records, Flipt­rix brings his seam­less semantics, Seri­al Killaz are drum and bass jungle pro­du­cers signed to Playaz Record­ings and Lon­don reg­gae artist Kiko Bun is surf­ing a dubby resur­gence all the way to the top. Not for­get­ting Pengshui, made up of hip-hop heavy­weights Illa­man, Fatty Bass­man & Prav. The festival’s birth­day cel­eb­ra­tions will hit their peak with Sat­urday nights ska and skank party, head­lined by Macka B, who after 30 years con­tin­ues to tour the world and break down bar­ri­ers and with Sunday’s spe­cial 20th anniversary drum ‘n’ bass party.

In the bass-pulsat­ing Cubicles, DJ Mag The Bunker in col­lab­or­a­tion with Metal­headz brings a bag of bass heavy tricks on Fri­day. They wel­come respec­ted and revered pro­du­cer Dillinja with Remidy MC, Hos­pit­al Records most emin­ent pro­du­cer S.P.Y. as a spe­cial guest, the man with 25 years’ exper­i­ence under his belt, Ran­dall with M.C Trafic plus sup­port from Dis­patch Record­ings’ Amoss, Metal­headz head honcho Ant TC1, spe­cial guest Octo Pi, whose style of drum ‘n’ bass can only be described as ‘up front’ and homegrown loc­al tal­ent Scope. On Sat­urday, Black Sun Empire rep­res­ent the finest in dark and tech fuelled drum and Bass whilst Audio has inspired mass respect from every pos­sible corner of the scene.

At The Band­stand Frauds are a post-hard­core band, whilst Aver­age Sex have been snapped up by Tim Bur­gess’ label O Gen­es­is Record­ings. Ele­phants’ Grave stars Sonny Whar­ton; a firm fix­ture in the house and techno scene, whilst Dom Kane’s tracks have been sup­por­ted by Pete Tong, Deadmau5, and more. Dirty Secretz is one of house music’s most excit­ing artists, releas­ing on Stealth and Whar­tone Records. Fri­day nights wel­comes Pro-Ject, provid­ing the true house grooves, whilst in the day­time Ital Sounds reg­gae col­lect­ive are ready to provide the rock­steady rhythms.

The Cab­in­et of Lost Secrets fea­tures 7Suns’ music in an ener­giz­ing blend of Afro, Lat­in, Carib­bean, funk, jazz and rock, The Pink Dia­mond Revue are an elec­tro-punk duo who play in front of a big screen pro­ject­ing images they have cut up them­selves from old B‑movies, and Col­lect­ive 43 are a multi-instru­ment­al con­greg­a­tion steeped heavy with New Orleans-street style and twists of blues and jazz. And across the site there’s plenty more to choose from. Phil Kay’s unpre­dict­able and free­style approach won him a Per­ri­er nom­in­a­tion in 1993 and the award for best stand-up at the 1994 Brit­ish Com­edy Awards, and Jayde Adams is a multi-faceted comedi­an of hil­ari­ous repute. The Wrong Dir­ec­tions Cine­tent is hos­ted by loc­al exper­i­ment­al col­lect­ive MASH Cinema, whilst The Sunken Yard are con­nois­seurs of a very good time indeed. Pup­pet­u­al Motion present a wide vari­ety of visu­ally stun­ning aer­i­al acts and Hum­mad­ruz are an ultra-viol­et theatre group ded­ic­ated to per­form­ing aston­ish­ing psy­che­del­ic spec­tacle. Andrew Szydlo brings chem­istry to life with his spec­tac­u­lar demon­stra­tions, whilst the fab­ulous Little Won­der­land Kids Area keeps chil­dren of all ages enrap­tured through­out the whole week­end. A new and improved Craft Area wows with a chance to learn from the mas­ters. Work­shops on offer include black­smith­ing, spoon carving and plant propaga­tion plus amaz­ing demon­stra­tions and com­mun­al sculp­ture build­ing with a fiery destiny…

Noz­stock The Hid­den Val­ley – The 20th Anniversary 
Fri­day 20th – Sunday 22nd July 2018

@ Rowden Pad­docks, Brom­yard, Here­ford­shire, HR7 4LST

Live: Gold­frapp, The Selecter, Dub Pis­tols, Macka B, Elec­tric Swing Cir­cus, Kiko Bun, The Lovely Eggs, Oh My God! It’s The Church, Mr Tea and The Min­ions, Mad Apple Cir­cus, Buffos Wake, Child­care, Cath­ol­ic Action, Seas of Mirth, The Stiff Joints, Pengshui (Illa­man, Fatty Bass­man & Prav), Smi­ley & The Under­class, Col­lette The Dots, Rachel Dadd, Ala­baster De Plume, Lazy Day, Sam­sara Col­lect­ive„ Yama Warashi, Frauds, Har­vey Causon, The Pink Dia­mond Revue, Aver­age Sex, Col­lect­ive 43, Jeremy Hugget’s Swing Zing, Heavy Lungs, Capas Music, 7 Suns, The Woo Town Hill­bil­lies, The Ima­gin­ary Hat, The Whip­jacks, Social Ignition

DJ: Chase & Status (DJ set + Rage), Grand­mas­ter Flash, Chali 2na & Krafty Kuts, DJ Marky & G.Q, Black Sun Empire, S.P.Y, Audio, Dillinja, Ran­dall, Sonny Whar­ton, Taskforce, Verb T & Pitch 92, Flipt­rix, Seri­al Killaz, Dom Kane, Dirty Secretz, Luke Stanger, House Meanz House, Pro-ject, Tribe of Frog, Amoss, Ant TC1, Octo Pi, Scope, Dex, Remidy M.C, Trafic M.C, Chris Tofu

Com­edy, The­at­rics, Film & Craft: Phil Kay, Jayde Adams, Joe Dav­ies, The Sunken Yard, Hum­mad­ruz, Pup­pet­u­al Motion, Andrew Szydlo, Imper­man­ence Theatre, Roisin Crow­ley Lin­ton, MASH Cinema ft. Eclect­ic Meth­od – Ret­ro­spect­ive, A Creak In Time — Steven McIn­er­ney, Under 7s Drive In Cinema, Board of Canada — Com­munity Selec­tion, #Soundtracks — Tristan C. Ander­son, Little Won­der­land Kids Area, Golden Lotus, Mush­room Paul, Sams Garden, Matt Hat­ters, Bryce Rendell

Tick­ets from £120 for adults / from £95 for 13–16 year olds / 12 and under free / Book­ing fees apply  / Pay­ment by instal­ments available
www.nozstock.com / @Nozstock  / facebook.com/nozstockthehiddenvalley
youtube.com/nozstockfestival   /   instagram.com/nozstock

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.

Rishma Dhaliwal

Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voice­less. Cur­rently work­ing in TV, Rishma brings her PR and media know­ledge to I am Hip Hop and oth­er pro­jects by No Bounds.

About Rishma Dhaliwal

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless. Currently working in TV, Rishma brings her PR and media knowledge to I am Hip Hop and other projects by No Bounds.