
 Academy Events presents

Yasi­in Bey

A unique per­form­ance of the clas­sic Mos Def album The Ecstatic.


Manchester, O2 Ritz – Tues­day 31 Janu­ary £25.00 adv

Bris­tol, O2 Academy – Sunday 3 Feb­ru­ary £29.50 adv


One of rap’s true greats is com­ing to the UK for what will be one of the most talked about hip-hop events this year. Yasi­in Bey will play O2 Ritz Manchester and O2 Academy Bris­tol on 31 Janu­ary and 3 Feb­ru­ary respect­ively, and as well as the main man him­self, you can expect great things from the hip hop tal­ent that he’s bring­ing along for the ride.

Manchester, you’ve got some true homegrown tal­ent hit­ting the stage at O2 Ritz! Sev­en Spherez are a hip hop duo from the city, con­sist­ing of pro­du­cer ‘Dr.G’ and Emcee ‘Ghost One’. Over the last five years they have estab­lished them­selves as key play­ers in the com­munity, recog­nised via major blogs, sta­tions and web­sites all over the world, while closer to home gain­ing air­play on sta­tions includ­ing BBC 1Xtra. With four inde­pend­ent album releases under their belt endorsed by and fea­tur­ing inter­na­tion­al rap stars such as Merkules, Chris Rivers (Big Pun­’s son), Hell Razah (Wu Tang/Sunz of Man), Big Noyd (Mobb Deep) to name but a few, they con­tin­ue to go from strength to strength, as seen by their latest album, Light Through Water (2018), released to crit­ic­al acclaim.

No strangers to the stage, they have toured and sup­por­ted the likes of Kil­lah Priest, Snak The Rip­per, Shotty Hor­roh, Mobb Deep, Onyx, Skinny­man, Klash­nekoff … The list goes on but Sev­en Spherez are most def­in­itely at the heart of UK hip hop.

Also sup­port­ing are the DJs from Didjit (More Bounce), renowned loc­al hip hop heads kick­ing the night off with gen­er­a­tion span­ning gems and obscure tracks. Cruis­ing from hip hop to soul to funk and bey­ond, the Didjit DJs know how to get the crowd jump­ing with a string of suc­cess­ful nights all over Manchester.

Listen up Bris­tol and get ready for the south west to shake with some of the names that are join­ing Yassin Bey. First up Jeh­st — the stage name of Wil­li­am ‘Billy’ Shields, a rap­per and record pro­du­cer who has been act­ive since 1998. Mak­ing his vinyl debut in 1999 with the highly acclaimed ‘Pre­mon­i­tions’ EP. As well as rap­ping with the sev­en-piece out­fit, Cham­pi­ons of Nature, in 2002, he put out his debut album, The Return of the Drift­er, which was received warmly by the hip hop press in the UK and has gone on to achieve a cult status among fans of UK hip hop.

Join­ing him is loc­al MC Gardna and loc­al pro­du­cer Kreed. The two first teamed up in 2016 for the hugely acclaimed ‘Gardna x Kreed’ EP — a very Bris­tol sound with heavy bass and tight beats that are layered with intric­ate details, taste­m­akers includ­ing Toddla T, Huw Steph­ens and Seani B all jumped on board this release.

Rogue & Relly are names that have been syn­onym­ous with the Bris­tol land­scape now for over a dec­ade, and rightly so their pres­ence is required on this import­ant night in the city. Relly has fea­tured on most of the biggest pro­jects to emerge out of the city while Rogue has pro­duc­tion cred­its on tens of scores of Bris­tol heavy­weight’s albums. Their latest pro­ject Let Them Know (2018), was one of the most highly anti­cip­ated albums of the year and man­aged to live up to the hype. After cement­ing their music­al part­ner­ship with this crit­ic­ally acclaimed album, Rogue & Relly are ready to bring the same level of hype to this live show.

Mista Bibs is a pas­sion­ate and pro­lif­ic DJ, Radio Host, Pro­du­cer and MC, with a spe­cialty in genres RnB, hip hop, dance­hall and grime. He has appeared at numer­ous ven­ues and fest­ivals all over the world at large, includ­ing London’s O2 Arena, Min­istry of Sound, Pacha, BBC’s Big Week­end, The Great Escape Fest­iv­al and more. DJ Mista Bibs has seen mul­tiple waves of suc­cess, from receiv­ing over a mil­lion listens on Mix­cloud, Sound­cloud and being fea­tured on top iTunes pod­casts, to win­ning the Offi­cial Mix­tape Awards (OMA) and win­ning Choice FM’s Decks Factor Competition.

Sip The Juice have been bring­ing some of the biggest hip hop shows to Bris­tol for the last few years and now the DJs are bring­ing their eclect­ic hip-hop mixes to O2 Academy Bris­tol to sup­port Yasi­in Bey.

Mos Def really doesn’t need any intro­duc­tion. Explod­ing into pub­lic con­scious­ness as part of Black­star (with Talib Kweli) in 1998, it was Mos’ debutBlack On Both Sides a year later that rock­eted the New York rap­per to astro­nom­ic­al heights, pro­pelled by uni­ver­sal acclaim for the LP that con­tin­ues to be held up as one of the genre’s greatest ever albums.

The near two dec­ades since then have seen an unpre­ced­en­ted out­put of crit­ic­ally acclaimed work, both as a solo artist and fierce col­lab­or­at­or. Work­ing closely with big hit­ters from across hip hop includ­ing the likes of The Roots, De La Soul, Madlib, Com­mon, DJ Shad­ow, Kanye West (sign­ing to G.O.O.D Records for a spell), as well as musi­cians from out­side of the rap sphere includ­ing Gil Scott-Her­on, Bobby Womack, The Gor­illaz and Robert Glasper (as part of the Mos Def Big Band) amongst count­less oth­ers, Mos Def has nev­er been shy in shar­ing his geni­us with oth­er artists to cre­ate some­thing special.

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.