
Join us for a full even­ing of Live music // Com­edy // DJ sets // per­form­ances from legendary artists who are com­ing to protest Euro­vi­sion tak­ing place in Tel Aviv, Israel.

The Funk­tion-One rig will be out in full force for the night, ready to raise the roof for Palestine!

This event is also par­ti­cip­at­ing in Glob­al­vi­sion, a live stream of protest gigs tak­ing place across the world, includ­ing Palestine!

*All pro­ceeds go towards build­ing our cam­paigns for Palestine*

#BoycottEurovision2019 #Party4Palestine #Not­TheEur­o­vi­sion

DOORS OPEN: 8:30pm


“Argu­ably the biggest name on the UK hip-hop under­ground scene” The Guardian

Lowkey has announced his long awaited return with news that will be music to the ears of every hip hop fan in the land. After a hiatus which saw the Brit­ish-Iraqi hip hop artist take time away from the scene, he blasts back into the lime­light with a brand new album; Soundtrack to the Struggle 2.

Mic Right­eous Official
Hav­ing opened for US Hip Hop heavy­weights includ­ing Wu-Tang Clan, The Game, J.Cole, Slaughter House, Talib Kweli & 2 Chainz, Mic Right­eous‘ debut EP Open Mic went straight in at No.1 in the UK Hip Hop charts and No.2 in Ire­land, Aus­tralia and Sweden. Fresh from being on Charlie Sloth’s Fire in the Booth, Mic Right­eous is rebrand­ing him­self as Mic Reck­less. Known for his heart­felt lyr­ics and power­ful flow, Mic Reck­less is undoubtedly one of the best rap­pers of our time!

Wolf Alice (DJ set)
An evoc­at­ive North Lon­don alt-rock out­fit, Wolf Alice deftly mixes folk, grunge, and elec­tron­ic ele­ments with vin­tage ’90s indie rock. The band’s second stu­dio album, Vis­ions of a Life, It deb­uted at num­ber two on the UK Albums Chart, received uni­ver­sal acclaim from music crit­ics, ranked as one of the best albums of the year by mul­tiple pub­lic­a­tions and won the 2018 Mer­cury Prize. They are known sup­port­ers of Palestini­an human rights and the BDS move­ment. This will be a rare oppor­tun­ity to see them per­form an excit­ing DJ set!

Moody Kab­lawi
Com­ing all the way from Haifa City, music pro­du­cer Moody Kab­lawi is diving deep into a nov­el fusion of Trip Hop, Jazz and World Music, explor­ing and incor­por­at­ing aspects of Arab­ic Hip Hop and thereby push­ing the bound­ar­ies of Hip Hop, Funk and Punk. After releas­ing his 2018 video clip “Ma Fi Ma’ani”, Moody has moved to Ber­lin where he is cur­rently work­ing on a new Disco EP that he will share with us on stage.

Haw­iyya is a women’s Dab­ke group who explore iden­tity, cul­ture and res­ist­ance through dance. The cul­tur­ally diverse dan­cers have come togeth­er to unite and share their com­mit­ment to the Palestini­an cause.

Haw­iyya draws upon tra­di­tion­al folk­lor­ic Arab-dab­ke with a twist of con­tem­por­ary dance through their skills and exper­i­ences in oth­er dance forms, nar­rat­ives and music­al influ­ences such as the Elec­tro-Dab­ke band ‘47Soul’. The mem­bers of Haw­iyya have been per­form­ing Dab­ke for many years and have now formed the new group to bring Dab­ke to vari­ous plat­forms and audi­ences. The mem­bers cho­reo­graph their own dances as well as learn­ing exchanges with Dab­ke groups from and in Palestine.

Stormtrap عاصفه
Stormtrap is a Palestini­an musi­cian, rap­per and pro­du­cer who will be com­ing all the way to Lon­don to raise the roof for Palestine. His music con­sists of ener­get­ic rap vocals and ori­gin­al com­pos­i­tions cre­ated using mod­ern and tra­di­tion­al instru­ments and tech­no­lo­gies. Stormtrap is the co-founder
of Ramal­lah Under­ground, and part of the Aiwa Col­lect­ive, who organ­ise and per­form reg­u­lar hip hop events in Ber­lin. He has released two solo albums, which include col­lab­or­a­tions with renowned loc­al and inter­na­tion­al artists such as Akhenaton, Well Gedacht, Toof­less, Edd Abbas, Grup Ses, El Far3i, and many more.

Rasha Nahas
Hav­ing grown up in Haifa, on the shores of the Medi­ter­ranean at the foot­hills of the Car­mel Moun­tain, her unmis­tak­able sound, which blends dirty unapola­get­ic elec­tric gui­tar tones and clas­sic­al tech­nique with a pen­chant for intim­ate storytelling and bold, unabashed poetry, was born out of a roar­ing Palestini­an under­ground scene. Her songs, which are at once com­pletely unin­hib­ited and yet fiercely con­trolled, exist in a space where fire fights the quiet moments when silence floods in, viol­ins wail, and her words, though del­ic­ately delivered, cut deep.

Ms. Mohammed
“Whoa! A Middle East­ern beat into a rockin’ groove!” — Iggy Pop, BBC

Ms. Mohammed is a queer U.K.-based immig­rant artist, born and raised in Trin­id­ad, where she adop­ted her “island punk” vis­ion. With heavy hit­ting rock gui­tar chords, dhol per­cus­sion, upbeat rid­dims and power­ful lyr­ics that blend protest and pleas­ure, she def­in­itely isn’t one to miss live!

Fem­in­ist Jukebox
Fem­in­ist Juke­box are ‎a duo who play music made by, or fea­tur­ing, inspir­a­tion­al and influ­en­tial women. Over the past few years, they have taken their set to much of the polit­ic­al cir­cuit includ­ing Labour Live, World Trans­formed and Extinc­tion Rebellion.

Jen­an Younis
Jen­an Younis is a Lon­don based comedi­an of Middle East­ern her­it­age. Her com­edy has been described as a “slap in the face”. Don’t sit with­in arm’s reach. She can be heard reg­u­larly on the BBC Asi­an Network’s ladies pan­el shame­lessly plug­ging her shows in between tack­ling the big issues in cur­rent news as well as provid­ing the best vocal imper­son­a­tion of Sta­cey Dooley. WORLD­WIDE. “Sharp, hip, smart comedi­an — not to be missed!” The List/ 99 com­edy club final­ist 2018/ South East comedi­an of the year final­ist 2018/ Funny women final­ist 2018/ BBC new com­edy award nom­in­ee 2018.

For tick­ets click here 

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.