Nat­ive Instru­ments take over Bar­bican with ‘BARS’ Nat­ive Ses­sion, P Money, Miss Banks, Steel Banglez, Jaykae, DJ Tar­get, Sir Spyro, Flowdan, AG The DJ and more set for work­shops, Q&A’s and roundtables.


11th April 2018 || 18:00 — 23:00

Bar­bican Centre, London

A long-stand­ing lead­er in the pro­duc­tion game, NAT­IVE INSTRU­MENTS is an innov­at­ive organ­isa­tion with a hands on approach to edu­ca­tion and devel­op­ment. Already a glob­ally revered brand, Nat­ive Instru­ments are cement­ing their place in Lon­don with the next Nat­ive Ses­sions event — ‘BARS,’ focussed on grime, rap, MC cul­ture and more — the ulti­mate LDN sound. P Money, Ms Banks, Steel Banglez, Jaykae, DJ Tar­get, Sir Spyro, and Flowdan are some of those tak­ing part in work­shops, Q&As, roundtables and live shows through­out the even­ing — fig­ures respons­ible for shap­ing our under­ground sound. ‘Nat­ive Ses­sions : BARS’ takes place on April 11th at London’s  icon­ic Bar­bican Centre, and tick­ets are FREE via Event­brite, grab one here : http://bit.ly/barsldn

Long-term legends and new-school break­outs all play a part in pro­ceed­ings; MC’s, pro­du­cers and DJs togeth­er. Barbican’s aud­it­or­i­um space hosts ‘In Con­ver­sa­tion’ chats between 1Xtra’s DJ Tar­get and South Lon­don rap­per, Ms Banks, known for her lyr­ics of empower­ment and indi­vidu­al­ity. DJ Tar­get also chats to Birm­ing­ham lyr­i­cist Jaykae, and boss select­or AG The DJ talks to one of the scene’s most respec­ted author­it­ies, P Money. There’ll be a Roundtable from Steel Banglez, Swifta Beat­er and Cadenza, all pro­du­cers mak­ing huge move­ments in the ‘urb­an’ world right now.

In the lush Garden Room there’s a series of inter­act­ive work­shops to get stuck into, using Nat­ive Instru­ments range of products, and led by tal­ent who’ll talk through pro­cesses and pro­duc­tion. Here, find Bamz (Nadia Rose’s pro­du­cer and DJ) on work­shop duties, plus Flowdan and Sir Spyro, both fig­ure­heads of the grime game since day one. A pro­du­cer who has worked with Giggs, JME, Kano and Wiley, Swifta Beat­er, also steps up for a ses­sion. Finally, East Lon­don rap pro­du­cer and afi­cion­ado Steel Banglez will close the work­shop ses­sions. This’ll be a rare chance to learn tips and tricks from pro­du­cers at the top of their field — do not miss this.

Nat­ive Instrument’s ‘Nat­ive Session’s are a chance for elec­tron­ic cre­at­ors and fans to meet up, explore and learn in a relaxed envir­on­ment, also hear­ing from revered artists about their exper­i­ences. It’s an access­ible, down-to-earth way to get to know new Nat­ive Instru­ments products, too, test­ing out the latest mod­els and see­ing what suits each style. London’s ‘BARS’ focused event will show how NI product can be used in the pro­duc­tion of ‘urb­an’ styles of music com­ing from the city; rap, grime, beats and everything in between.


P Money — Q&A with AG The DJ
Ms Banks — Q&A with DJ Target
Steel Banglez — Pro­du­cer roundtable/Workshop

Jaykae — Q&A with DJ Target
DJ Tar­get — Mod­er­at­or of Q&As
Sir Spyro — Workshop
Flowdan — Workshop
Swifta Beat­er — Pro­du­cer roundtable/Workshop
AG The DJ — Mod­er­at­or with P Money
Cadenza — Pro­du­cer roundtable
Bamz Music — Workshop
Tick­ets are FREE, but only avail­able via Event­brite sign up here : http://bit.ly/barsldn

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.