
3RD FEB­RU­ARY 2019 


24TH FEB­RU­ARY 2019 


26TH FEB­RU­ARY 2019 


For the first time in his­tory, US R&B super­stars Joe and Key­shia Cole, will come togeth­er to per­form a rare yet exclus­ive three city UK tour for the first major R&B con­cert of 2019! 

Open­ing its UK tour on Sat­urday 23rd Feb­ru­ary 2019 at the Manchester Academy in Manchester, the R&B greats will per­form live con­sec­ut­ively on Sunday 24th Feb­ru­ary 2019 at the O2 Academy in Birm­ing­ham, before hit­ting the UK’s cap­it­al for its clos­ing night on Tues­day 26th Feb­ru­ary 2019 at the Even­tim Apollo in Ham­mer­smith, Lon­don.

Return­ing to the UK stage for the first time in almost six years, Grammy nom­in­ated sing­er and song­writer Key­shia Cole, is one of the most suc­cess­ful female R&B artists of the mil­len­ni­um. Step­ping on the scene in 2005 with her break­through single co-writ­ten by John Legend , ‘I Changed My Mind’ fea­tur­ing Kanye West, off her Top 10 deb­ut­ing album ‘The Way It Is’, Key­shia Cole took the music industry by storm, selling over 1.6 mil­lion cop­ies and chart­ing on the Bill­board charts for over a year earn­ing her plat­in­um status. 

The song­stress’ fol­low-up album in 2007, ‘Just Like You’ - a mix­ture of up-tempo and heart­felt bal­lads hit the charts at Billboard’s No.2 spot mak­ing it Key­shia Cole’s highest selling album with 1.7 mil­lion records sold includ­ing three No.1 singles. Going on to pro­duce five more suc­cess­fully selling albums world­wide — ‘A Dif­fer­ent Me’ (2008), ‘Call­ing All Hearts’ (2010), ‘Woman To Woman’ (2012), ‘Point Of No Return’ (2014) and ‘11:11 Reset’ (2017), Key­shia Cole has released some unfor­get­table melod­ic hits such as, ‘I Remem­ber’, ‘Heav­en Sent’, ‘Last Night’ fea­tur­ing P.Diddy and ‘Trust’ fea­tur­ing Mon­ica.

Cham­pi­on­ing the music game whilst keep­ing rel­ev­ant through two dec­ades of music, plus col­lab­or­at­ing with some of the music industry’s Pop, Hip-Hop and R&B elites from 2Pac, Nicki Minaj, Nas, Lil Wayne, French Montana, Lil Kim, Future, DJ Khaled, Remy Ma, Missy Elli­ott, Ashanti and Robin Thicke, Key­shia Cole is an unstop­pable force with no signs of slow­ing down any time soon. 

The R&B croon­er and Grammy nom­in­ated song­writer, Joe, is def­in­itely not a stranger to the UK. After much demand from his UK and European tour in 2017, Joe is set to blaze the UK stage once again for a three-night special. 

Ser­en­ad­ing true R&B and New Jack Swing lov­ers of the ‘90’s with his debut album ‘Everything’ and fol­low- up album, ‘All That I Am’ in 1997; plus, his most suc­cess­ful three times plat­in­um selling inter­na­tion­al album ‘My Name is Joe’ in 2000, earned him his pos­i­tion, as the King of R&B.

Joe’s solo suc­cess con­tin­ued to reign on the charts in addi­tion to col­lab­or­at­ive hits such as ‘Thank God I Found You’ fea­tur­ing Mari­ah Carey and Nas, ‘Still Not A Play­er’ fea­tur­ing the late great Big Pun, ‘Ride Wit U’ fea­tur­ing G‑Unit, ‘Where You At’ fea­tur­ing Papoose and remixes/features with Kelly Row­land, Fantas­ia, Shaggy and Gucci Mane; plus his joint single with 50 Cent on ‘Big Rich Town’ as the theme track for the pop­u­lar US crime drama show Power.

With over 25 years in music, 13 stu­dio albums and more than 15 mil­lion records sold, Joe has undeni­ably stayed true to his craft and pro­duce time­less R&B clas­sics such as, ‘’All The Things (Your Man Won’t Do’), Stut­ter’, ‘I Wanna Know’, Let’s Stay Home Tonight’ and If I Was Your Man’. 

Set to hit the stage per­form­ing his cata­logue of R&B clas­sics and songs from his most recent 13th stu­dio album, ‘#MyNameIs­JoeTho­mas’, it’s time to cel­eb­rate the best of legendary R&B next spring! 

Tick­ets will go on sale on Wed­nes­day 21st Novem­ber 2018 and start from £32.50.

Tick­et Out­lets Availability: 

Manchester — www.ticketline.co.uk

Birm­ing­ham — www.ticketmaster.co.uk, www.ticketweb.uk, www.seetickets.com and www.gigantic.com

Lon­don — www.eventimapollo.com, www.ticketmaster.co.uk and www.axs.com


The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.