Interview With Mighty Moe (@MightyMoe) !
Q. You have always pro­jec­ted good ener­gies and pos­it­ive vibes in your music, from when you
Review: Onyx (@ONYX_HQ) Live At Jazz Café!
19.05.14  Review- Onyx  The even­ing was irrit­ably humid. Upon arrival to the Cam­den Under­ground...
Guests: @Gambit_Ace & @MikeySmith121
This week’s IAHH Show brings you a blend of tracks depict­ing love and insan­ity with a
Remembering Amiri Baraka Through His Poetry...
Ka’Ba “A closed win­dow looks down on a dirty court­yard, and Black people call across or scream
Knowledge Session: Who Was Steve Biko?
Know­ledge Ses­sion: Who was Steve Biko Steve Biko was one of South Africa’s most sig­ni­fic­ant...
New Video: Jordan Crisp (@officialjcmusic) vs...
Check out the latest video from Lon­don Pro­du­cer Jordan Crisp and rap­per and sing­er Nana Dank­wa.
The Nat­ur­al Dis­aster has put togeth­er yet anoth­er mas­ter­minded mix­tape F.E.A.R. Bring­ing the light...
Poetry and Afrikan Surrealism. An Interview with...
Q. Your poetry cov­ers a vari­ety of top­ics from polit­ics, social and his­tory. Why do you
#AnAttackOnUsAll End War On Zapatista Communities...
Sum­mary of recent events: On May 2, 2014, in the Zapatista ter­rit­ory of La Real­id­ad, Chiapas,
Video+Lyrics: Heritage By @TOHHNYC @Gnomicomusic...
Sanc­hez One TOHH NYC My style of RAP Was placed on my LAP Handed by gods & TEACHAS From
@IBMCs Special. Female Emcees Worldwide
A must listen col­lec­tion! A real treat to you ears brought to you exclus­ively by IBMCs! Listen
Review: (@Adventures_of ) ‘Love Sick’
Real Hip-Hop music is poet­ic by nature.  Some of the best poetry I’ve ever heard has