Not a lot is known about the elu­sive UK rap­per wewant­wraiths, which is exactly the way he likes it. The Leicester born artist, inspired by artists such as Lil Baby and Rylo Rodrig­uez has made a name for him­self by stay­ing ruth­lessly authen­t­ic, now com­ing through with the wavey and intox­ic­at­ing ‘Ques­tion Us’, wewant­wraiths is show­ing fans and peers alike that that the hype train is here to stay.

Hav­ing the con­fid­ence from the begin­ning of his career to upload entirely on his own You­Tube chan­nel, which has become some­thing of a trade­mark, Wraiths has seen his chan­nel gain over 70 thou­sand sub­scribers and over 20 mil­lion views with­in the first year of releas­ing music.

Most people’s first time hear­ing Wraiths was when he burst onto the scene via his wavey heat­er ‘Chanaynay’, which saw the rap­per flow effort­lessly over a piano-led instru­ment­al, flex­ing his sig­na­ture melod­ic sound; let­ting listen­ers into his life­style with lyr­ics related to his drip, expens­ive taste and all round suc­cess. Like the track, the visu­als were also an impress­ive dis­play of the lav­ish life­style the rap­per enjoys — the finer things in life and fre­quently trav­el­ling to for­eign coun­tries. The single is now sit­ting on an impress­ive 4.6 mil­lion views on You­Tube, imme­di­ately pla­cing Wraiths firmly with­in the upper ech­el­on of the ever bub­bling UK rap scene, while sim­ul­tan­eously remain­ing genre-less and sep­ar­ate to his peers.

Fol­low­ing on from the suc­cess of “Chanaynay’, Wraiths con­tin­ued his tear by drop­ping a num­ber of huge singles that hit impress­ive num­bers in their own right. From ‘Unfor­get­table’, to the wavey ‘Voices’ and his ‘Mad About Bars’ free­style, to name a few, the hype around wewant­wraiths truly showed no sign of stop­ping. The moment Wraith’s name was solid­i­fied, though, was fol­low­ing the release of ‘Know You’, cur­rently sit­ting at a monu­ment­al 6.1 mil­lion views as well as hit­ting the charts at num­ber 59 on the first week and 82 on the second com­pletely inde­pend­ently, the single showed the East-Mid­lands masked rap­per deliv­er­ing his dis­tinct vocals and immacu­late lyr­i­cism. ‘Know You’ cre­ated a mean­ing­ful story about over­com­ing heart­break by offer­ing the lyr­ics “look at me now, how? I didn’t mean to be this lit!’, provid­ing a timely alarm of the star’s met­eor­ic rise.

Going into 2021, wewant­wraiths is aim­ing to truly make people under­stand his star power, as he firmly believes that his sound can eas­ily tran­scend the UK and go inter­na­tion­al. With ‘Ques­tion Us’ in his own words — main­tain­ing his trade­mark romantic vibe with a street edge, the hype around the artist is seem­ingly nev­er end­ing. Sleep on wewant­wraiths at your per­il.


Social media: @wewantwraiths

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Rishma Dhaliwal

Rishma Dhaliwal

Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voice­less. Cur­rently work­ing in TV, Rishma brings her PR and media know­ledge to I am Hip Hop and oth­er pro­jects by No Bounds.

About Rishma Dhaliwal

Rishma Dhaliwal
Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless. Currently working in TV, Rishma brings her PR and media knowledge to I am Hip Hop and other projects by No Bounds.