sohoradioPion­eer­ing online radio sta­tion Soho Radio – with its glob­al audi­ence, live to vinyl ses­sions and a huge array of DJ roy­alty – will expand into the very front of Fora’s new­est build­ing, rede­fin­ing the use of lobby space and giv­ing Soho Radio a cent­ral Soho loc­a­tion to be seen and enjoyed by all.

‘Pro-work­ing’ pro­vider Fora is excited to announce a part­ner­ship with world-fam­ous, Lon­don cel­eb­rated brand Soho Radio in its new space at 33 Broad­wick Street, Soho. The part­ner­ship will cre­ate three state-of-the-art pod­cast stu­di­os along­side a radio sta­tion, cater­ing to Soho Radio’s 4 mil­lion listen­ers.

The part­ner­ship between Fora and Soho Radio will take place in the former Hearst Magazines Lon­don Headquar­ters, a com­pany that has been a linch­pin of the tra­di­tion­al print media industry since 1910 and pub­lishes titles includ­ing Esquire, ELLE and Cos­mo­pol­it­an. Fora will breathe new life into the icon­ic and inter­na­tion­ally renowned build­ing by offer­ing an inspir­a­tion­al and col­lab­or­at­ive space for Fora Res­id­ents, cel­eb­rated musi­cians, cul­tur­al fig­ures and thought lead­ers to come togeth­er to cre­ate.

Inspired by Soho’s vibrant and diverse cul­ture, Soho Radio has hos­ted guests and res­id­ent DJ’s includ­ing James Lav­elle, Nad­ine Shah, Steph­en Fry and Hot Chip’s Alex­is Taylor, and was voted Best Online Radio Sta­tion in The World in the 2016 Mix­cloud Awards. With Fora’s sup­port, Soho Radio is tak­ing its busi­ness to the next level and will double its record­ing capa­city and abil­ity to invite the most respec­ted artists in the world to broad­cast for its listen­ers.

Soho has been a melt­ing pot of cre­ativ­ity, bohemia and enter­prise for dec­ades, mak­ing it a prime loc­a­tion for Fora to ini­ti­ate its new chapter of inspir­ing, cul­tur­al con­ver­sa­tions. Its soph­ist­ic­ated new pod­cast stu­di­os will elev­ate its offer­ing to Res­id­ents and to the loc­al com­munity. With the launch of Soho Radio’s ‘Cul­ture’ chan­nel, and pod­cast stu­di­os that host cli­ents such as Romesh Ran­gan­ath­anRemai­n­i­acsThe High Low, and Fearne Cot­ton, Soho Radio cre­ates a per­fect con­tent match for Fora.

The radio sta­tion will sit on the ground floor at the front of the new Fora build­ing, activ­at­ing the street and wel­com­ing Res­id­ents with a dynam­ic and truly unique entrance to work. The three pod­casts stu­di­os on the lower ground floor will cater for up to three, five and six people and will be avail­able for use by Fora Res­id­ents and the wider pub­lic. In total Soho Radio will occupy 650sqft of space.

This col­lab­or­a­tion is one example of how Fora is rede­fin­ing the co-work­ing mar­ket by inspir­ing its Res­id­ents with fresh ideas to help their busi­nesses innov­ate and grow.

Fora pur­chased the icon­ic 42,000sqft Broad­wick Street build­ing in May 2018, and has worked with cel­eb­rated archi­tects Stiff + Tre­vil­lion to cre­ate a unique space which caters to enhance its Res­id­ents’ exper­i­ences, with fea­tures includ­ing a member’s club-style lounge. They will launch the space in March 2019.

With Soho Radio cur­at­ing the sound for Fora Soho’s open spaces, Res­id­ents can expect to find the likes of Nor­man Jay MBE, Hacienda legend Mike Pick­er­ing, Prim­al Scream’s bassist Simone Mar­ie and Metronomy’s drum­mer won­der Anna Pri­or, to name but a hand­ful of the 150 presenters.

Kat­rina Lar­kin, co-founder of Fora, com­men­ted:

“My 16 years spend run­ning The Big Chill Fest­iv­al has giv­en me a huge appre­ci­ation of the power music has as a tool to con­nect and inspire people. At Fora, our aim is to cre­ate a space that Res­id­ents are genu­inely excited to go to, and that is con­du­cive to peak pro­ductiv­ity. We are thrilled to have the oppor­tun­ity to bring Soho Radio, who are lead­ers in the music industry, to Fora, and with them, an entirely new offer­ing to the work­space mar­ket.”

Adri­an Mee­han, Dir­ect­or of Soho Radio, com­men­ted:

“The Fora part­ner­ship arrived at an incred­ibly serendip­it­ous moment for us. Dur­ing noti­fic­a­tion of major build­ing work in the area, quite lit­er­ally at that moment, Fora phoned us up and sug­ges­ted we move into their beau­ti­ful new space on Broad­wick Street. The pro­spect of being able to expand Soho Radio’s offer­ing to con­tin­ue shar­ing the best tal­ent we can find to the world, is magic­al.”

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Rishma Dhaliwal

Rishma Dhaliwal

Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voice­less. Cur­rently work­ing in TV, Rishma brings her PR and media know­ledge to I am Hip Hop and oth­er pro­jects by No Bounds.

About Rishma Dhaliwal

Rishma Dhaliwal
Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless. Currently working in TV, Rishma brings her PR and media knowledge to I am Hip Hop and other projects by No Bounds.