NEWS | Dr. Enqi, The Man Who Discovered The Soul

Bronx nat­ive, Dr. Enqi is famed for his expert­ise per­tain­ing to the soul and over­all well­ness. His many hats con­sist of Ordained Min­is­ter, Mas­ter Herb­al­ist, Per­son­al Train­er, Sports Nutri­tion­ist, Natur­o­path­ic Doc­tor, as well as Con­sult­ant, Author, and Fath­er.  “I’ve been in love with the sci­ence of the body since a child and after three dec­ades of study­ing I have loc­ated the soul, or seat, of the con­scious along with proven facts to back it up.”

Health was sec­ond­ary in Dr. Enqi’s life until he suffered from a seizure that left his heart to stop beat­ing. This fright­ful exper­i­ence with an uncer­tainty of recov­ery led Dr. Enqi to begin a new jour­ney in his life. He vowed not only to put health first but to gain potent inform­a­tion and know­ledge regard­ing phys­ic­al and men­tal health and the cor­rel­a­tion to the soul. “The soul is as real and tan­gible as our hands and face, we just don’t know it.”

Melan­in does not per­form Pho­to­syn­thes­is; it is instead Photo­vol­ta­ic. This instru­ment­al know­ledge helped Dr. Enqi take his 4‑year old daugh­ter out of ICU, with a pro­gnos­is of nev­er walk­ing again, to play­ing base­ball with her high school team­mates. “The most import­ant move for me now is to trans­mit this inform­a­tion, which is the driv­ing force behind my new book ‘The Soul­Craft.’”  The book is based on the ancient kemet­ic sci­ence of build­ing the soul and spir­it based on mod­ern times. Because of the cru­ci­al­ity of spread­ing this know­ledge, Dr. Enqi made the fore­word along with chapters 1–2 of ‘The Soul­Craft’ avail­able on You­Tube.

Dr. Enqi’s first self-help book titled ‘Eat Right 4 Your Hap­lo­type’ teaches the roots of life, bio­chem­istry in urb­an form, prop­er applic­a­tion of the God Ogun, as well as detailed pro­to­cols clin­ic­ally proven against mul­tiple ill­nesses known to man.  Watch excerpts from ‘The Soul­Craft’ below and con­nect with Dr. Enqi on Ins­tagram.

Dr. Enqi has recently returned from a tour with Haha Dav­is and is pre­par­ing for the upcom­ing Dr. Sebi doc­u­ment­ary with Nick Can­non, but is avail­able for lec­tures, inter­views, appear­ances, and more.

UNITEDPLATESOFAMERICA.ORG | 833–777-6543 | @DrEnqi on Ins­tagram |   

‘The Soul­Craft’ Fore­word, Ch 1, Ch 2 on YouTube

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MJ Savino

MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the cul­ture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ Savino
MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!